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I need to work on my passive-aggressiveness

That's always been a problem.

And I get jealous, but, at least I'm not the crazy kind of jealous.

I trust him.

It's that I don't trust me.

What I mean is,

I don't trust that I'm good enough for him

to make him want to stay.

But that's my problem,

and I need to work on that too.


AN// I wrote this to get some negative thoughts out but isn't it kind of defeating when you go back and read these things and realize all of the things you once feared or thought might be making up in your head actually came true.? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

p.s. this isn't exactly a poem, but some might consider it so.

Secluded (Compilation of My Poetry pt.1)Where stories live. Discover now