Good Girl

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"Good girl,

you're such a good girl.

You listen to what everyone has to say,

you're always smiling and brightening my day.

"Good girl,

share your toys,

sit quietly,

it's time to play."

"Good girl,

it's okay.

Bend the rules a little,

but don't let them break."

"Good girl,

what are you doing?

Calm down,

let it break."

"Good girl,"

I'd hear them say,

snidely as they remark,

"You're SUCH a 'good girl.'"

"Good girl,

Goody two-shoes,

cut them some slack,

and just relax."

"Good girl,

stop tattle-tailing.

Stop worrying,

just go mind your way."

"Good girl, good girl,

do you ever take a break?

Your smile is so annoying,

why do you always have something to say?"

"Bad girl,"

I'd hear them speak,

behind my back

as I run, feeling weak.

"Bad girl,

what are you doing?

Why leave?

What's the hurry?"

"Bad girl,

you were so good,

What's the problem?

Is there something wrong?"

I'm sorry,

But I

had some place to go.

And you shouldn't wonder,

where I wander,

after you've pushed me to the only place I know.


AN: not one of my favorites honestly and I don't like the sound of it (lack of rhyme & rhythm) but I can appreciate where I was trying to go with this and what it means to me. could use some work though, this ones quite old (date unknown)

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