Chapter 26

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The shofure opened the door for us and Juane had me get in first. I slid in and moved a little further down for them to get in. Juane slid in and so did Olivia, Juane sat near me though. "Have you ever had a pet?" He asked me

"No, not really. I'm kinda new to this" I said

He looked over at me shocked, "really? Well let me explain for you" he started, "well, us vampires are of a higher species on the food chain, and so we take on humans as our pets for us to do whatever with" he smiled, "they have there own set of rules to abide by, and each owner has ghere own set of rules" he looked over to Olivia, "well talk about those when we get to the castle" he told her

"Castle?" I questioned shocked

He turned back to me and chuckled, "I am a prince" he said, "wouldn't it make sense to live in a castle?" He chuckled at me

"Whoa, so your like a legit prince then?" I looked at him and leaned back a little

"Yes, I am, why? Dose it scare you?" He asked smiling evily

I shook my head, "not at all, I just didn't think there were any monarchys left" I said leaning back against the seat and peaked out the window

I saw gates open in front of the car to let the limo through, we went through the rounded driveway and stooped in front of the castle. I looked out the window amazed, "whoa" I said

I heard Juane chuckle, "just wait till we get inside" he said

The limo door opened and we all slid out, Olivia barefoot and me in my dirty flats. Juane was the only one in nice shoes, he was in nice everything with a suit on. He held out his hand, and smiled his blond hair falling in his face a little and blue eyes landing on me "come on, ill show you around"

I looked over to Olivia, "hey, how about she comes too" I said pointing to Olivia,

He looked over to her and shrugged, "if you want her to come she can" he said to me

I took Olivia hand and then took Juanes, "yay, lets go" I cheered

I need to get on this guys good side so I can figure out how to get Olivia out of here and stop all this. He took me trough the front doors and I looked up to see a ginormous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were two winding staircases like open arms for a hug. There was a balcony on the second floor that the stairs led to, but there was one more balcony for the third that just looked out to the enormous room. Juane smiled back st me, "yeah, its kinda big" he shrugged

"Kinda?!" I said, "I've never seen a place this fancy" I told him

I looked over to see Olivia not looking around at all, she just looked straight ahead, not showing any emotion. "Sarah, you said you didn't have a place to stay, so ill show you to a room. Follow me" he tugged my hand lightly

We walked up the huge stairs and down one of the halls, he showed me to a set of huge double doors. "This will be your room Sarah, amd mine is just right there" he said pointing to mine right in front of us and the room across the hall as his

"Oh, uh thanks" I said

He then opened the door for me and too Olivias hand, " you can relax in here, ill get you before dinner, ok?" He smiled brightly at me

"Yeah, but where are you taking her" I pointed to Olivia

He looks over to her then back at me, " oh, don't worry about her, I just need to explain to her the rules and stuff, bye" he said just before shutting the door

I turned around to see the coolest room ever, everything was super fancy, the bed, the dressers. Even the walls were fancy, they had intricate swirls and patterns. This isn't helping my mission, Jaune seems nice enough. Maybe if I talk with him, I can convince kidnapping people is wrong and to just figure something else out. I walked around the room and saw an old phone sitting on one of the bed side tables. I slowly walked over to the phone and picked it up. Putting the piece to my ear I heard the tone. I then punched in Ashleys number,and it started ringing. After about 2 times she picked up, "hello?" She asked confused

"Hey" I said in a soft voice, "its me, your best friend?" I asked feeling relieved to hear her soft voice

She instantly got really exited, "omg girl how are you?!" She shouted in the phone

"Well..."I started and trailed off

"What happened? Tell me know!" She yelled again

I sighed, "I kinda am a vampire now" I said in a confused voice, it even didn't process when I said it out loud

I didn't hear anything for a while, "hello?" I asked

Suddenly Ashley screamed into the phone, "Your a What!?!" Yelling at the top of her lungs I thought the phone would break

"Long story, but I'm safe- er, kinda, well I'm in a castle surrounded by vampires so, I don't really know if I would say safe" I told her

"Hmmm" she hummed, "and where's Javiare" she said sugestively

I blushed, "well, that too, we have the mate bond between us, and were a thing now. He's not with me though" I told her

"I knew it, something inside was telling me you two had chemistry" she said triumphantly

"So anything new with you?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Oh yeah, big time" she said

"What? You have to tell me everything" I demanded, it felt nice talking with her again...

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