Chapter 9: Combat Training

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"The hero team... WINS!!" All Might announced.

Midoriya collapsed onto the ground while Bakugo stood wide-eyed and open-mouthed frozen in shock. Uraraka fell to the ground, trying not to hurl as Iida dropped to her side to comfort her.

"What a weird way for this to end. The losers are practically untouched, and the winners are both on the ground,"Kirishima brought up.
"How does the old saying go? They may have lost the battle, but they won the war," Tokoyami stated.
"This class is intense," Asui said.

Medical robots came to carry Midoriya to the nurses office. On the screen you watched Bakugo standing in the same spot. He looked at his hand. He was trembling. His hand clenched into a tight fist. He started hyperventilating as a look of panic washed over him. No one else noticed this though, they were all too busy conversing about if this how their battles would turn out to be like. All Might's hand rested on Bakugo's shoulder and he immediately stopped hyperventilating.

"Young Bakugo. Cool your jets. Let's go review your work. Whether you win or lose, you can always take something away from an experience like this as long as you're open to learning," He stated.

Everyone gathered in the monitoring room, except Midoriya who was in the nurse's office recovering. The class was on one side and the 'Heros' and 'Villains' were on the other side. In between them, was All Might. Uraraka had recovered, but Bakugo was staring at his feet, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Well, despite the results," All Might started, "The MVP of this exercise is Young Iida!"

Everyone gasped at this.

"Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead since they're the winners?" Asui asked.
"Mm! Valid question. Why didn't I chose one of those two? Who has a guess?" All Might wondered.
"Sir!" Yaoyorozu raised her hand, "I can tell you why. Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who  The truly adapted to his assigned role. I'll explain."

Yaoyorozu then proceeded to explain and critique each individual's actions during the training exercise. It was very thorough and complete.

'Wow. She's on top of everything,' You thought.

Everyone gawked at her explanation. All Might also seemed shocked.

"Yes... well, you overlooked a few things," All Might said flustered, "Young Iida could have relaxed a little bit in the exercise. But... otherwise, you nailed it!"
"One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning. That's the only real way to become a top hero," Yaoyorozu replied.
"Now then, time to blow this joint. Let's move onto the next match. Think about everything we saw and discussed as you tackle this training for yourself," All Might said.
"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded.

As everyone started moving over to the next building, you cautiously approached Bakugo. You wanted to comfort him, but you were also scared because of how he lashed out earlier.

"B-Bakugo?" You stuttered.

He didn't move.

"A-are you okay?" You quietly asked.

You bent down slightly to see the expression on Bakugo's face. It was blank except for his wide eyes with constricted pupils.

After a few moments and still no response from Bakugo you turned around, defeated, and walked with the rest of the class to the next building.

• • •

"Match two! Team B will be our Heroes! And Team I will be the Villains!" All Might announced.

You stood next to Uraraka and Iida.

"I'm really worried about Deku," Uraraka said.
"Yes, he seemed to have injured himself quite badly," Iida agreed.
You nodded, "After taking that amazing blast from Bakugo, he collapsed right onto the ground."

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