You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

When I woke up, it must have been quite some time later. Clover was no longer lying with me and outside the sun had just started to set. “Hi,” I said, pushing myself up and stretching my arms out. The ground was uncomfortable so I ached all over.

“Hello,” Clover replied politely. “Here, have a cereal bar.” I took it from him gratefully and ripped the wrapper open. I felt like I hadn’t eaten in weeks. There wasn’t a lot of food left but hopefully we could get some from Lily’s house, we would definitely need more to feed another three people. “Are you ready for tonight?”

“Yes. Well, I think so.”

He shuffled a little closer and took my hand. I instantly felt safe and warm. My feelings for him were strange and seemed too soon to be real, but they felt real. “If you’re not happy to do it you don’t have to. We can find another way.”

I smiled as happiness spread through me. “I want to do it. I’m just nervous.”

“Everything’s going to be fine. We just have to get through tonight and everything will be fine.”

“Will it though? We still have to get away.”

Clover gently kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry about that. Leave it to me.”

“I trust you.”

He smiled, closed his eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”

We waited until it was dark; talking to pass the hour and a half. “You’ve memorised the way now?” Clover asked as I prepared to leave.

“Yes.” It was pretty easy and wouldn’t take too long if I walked through the fields rather than following the road. I chewed on my bottom lip. We’d decided that I would go to Lily’s first. I preferred to meet one of them at a time, if they’re not together. “I should go now, I guess.”

Clover nodded and stepped in front of me. “I’ll be waiting,” he said tenderly and stroked my cheek. “Be careful.”

“I will,” I whispered back, feeling almost speechless at how close he was to me. His head inched towards mine and I didn’t pull back. I wanted the kiss more than anything. As his lips gently stroked mine my whole body felt alive. Although it only lasted a few seconds it was enough to make me feel happier than I probably ever had. “See you soon.”

“Goodbye, Chantelle.”

Leaving him behind felt wrong and I knew I was more vulnerable alone. I had only ever felt completely safe when I was with him.

Thankfully, the walk didn’t take long. I was so anxious to get back to Clover and start our new life. His directions were perfect and I easily found her house. I watched Lily’s house from the edge of the path and again wished Clover was with me. It was too dangerous for him to be here but I was scared to do it alone. It was dark and not one light was on inside the house so I knew they were all asleep.

I walked back the way I’d come now I knew they were almost alone in the house. It would be easier going in from the back as the police wouldn’t see me. Hopping over the short fence in the back garden, I crouched down and moved along between the wooden fence and the withered flowers.

When I approached the side of the house I could see her through the window. The dim glow of a fish tank lit up the living room just enough for me to make her figure out. As she made her way through the room she stopped briefly and stroked a picture frame. I couldn’t see what was it in but it must have been her family. Why would she do that? Why would she care about them if they were so terrible to her like Clover said?

There wasn’t much time to think about it because she was creeping towards the back of the house. Towards me. The lack of leaves on the bushes made it almost impossible to hide but I laid down behind the biggest one just as the back door opened. It was dark so it was unlikely that she would see me but I still held my breath and laid still.

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