Chapter 25: Hangover Crisis

Start from the beginning

I only answered with a small nod.

"W-what happened to Sans?" I asked curiously looking over to Undyne's side at Sans, who was still lying on the ground.

"Let's just say he fell from the roof" Undyne simply responded.

"A-A f-fall from that height is d-dangerous!" I shouted, rushing over to Sans' side to begin pouring some healing magic into his open ribs.

"thanks alph" he thanked me, pushing my hand to the side gently and stopping my magic flowing into him.

"But y-you are still n-not completely healed" I argued.

"m'fine, really." He assured me.

That's when I noticed.

"Gah! Y-You're still sh-shirtless!" I exclaimed, covering my flustered face instinctively from him.

"oh f-fuck" he whispered, putting his arms over his ribs in a way to cover himself.

"Hey, um. Do any of y'all remember what happened last night?" Undyne chimed in.

I took my hands off my face and thought for a short minute.

"No..." I realized.

Undyne and I looked at Sans, hopeful for a yes for an answer.

"sorry ladies but no. i remember nothing..." He said.

None of us remembered last night.

Mettaton's point of view

I opened my beautiful eyes, waking up from whatever night I had had.

I sat up and stretched my back, taking a glimpse of the light piercing through.

In full honesty, I'm glad I'm a robot.


Well you see, I don't get hangovers, and that means no headaches due to them.

The only reason something would hurt is if one part of my body is damaged.

I sat there in place for a long minute, relaxed from all my thoughts telling me to get up.

But that didn't last.

"Gah!" I shrieked at the sight of a whole bunch of hungover people sleeping closely next to me as if they were lovers to me or something.

Carefully in order not to wake anyone up, I quickly crawled out of the group.


I looked around, I was still at the bar I discovered... along with a small handful of people sleeping inside, scattered across the floor.

The karaoke machine was still on, just at a barely audible volume you'd have to concentrate on to hear.

"What happened last night?..." I asked myself softly.

Once getting up, I soon noticed something that really bothered me.

One of my pink, high-heeled, expensive, one of a kind boots was missing.

Looking around in search for it, I ended up spotting something much more valuable to me.

"Papyrus!" I whispered happily as I made my way to him as fast as I could to the other side of the counter.

I tried to shake him awake for at least 2 minutes before I actually got a response from him.

Papyrus' point of view

"METTATON?" I mumbled at the sight of the celebrity attempting to wake me up.

"Yes Papy, it's me. How do you feel?" Mettaton gingerly asked, caressing my shoulder in a loving way.

Who would have guessed Mettaton had a soft side like this.


Honestly, I had never felt I headache this bad, nor had I ever been hungover.

So this is how it feels, huh.

"Do you... Do you remember anything from last night?" Mettaton spoke up.

I hummed in a thoughtful way as I processed memories through.

Everything after we drank the nice cat's monster drink he had made for us, was gone.

"NO...." I finally answered.

Mettaton and I sat there next to each other quietly for a long minute.

Heaving a long sigh, Mettaton pulled his phone out of his pocket and went to all his histories.

"Oh my god" he gasped, getting all of my attention in just a blink of an eye.

"WHAT! WHAT IS IT METTATON!" I asked impatiently.

Then I saw it.

I was speechless.

Well that's all my friends. >:)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Honestly, this has been my favorite chapter I've written. It was fun alternating points of views.

By the way, this has been the longest chapter so far! More than 1,500 words! Whew! •<•

Well, that's all finally. I'm listening to some good panic!atthedisco songs. I'm actually having a marathon of their songs. Almost done with all of them. I've been listening non-stop ever since I woke up. Lol. It's today's addiction.

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