C.21- One Last Chance

Start from the beginning

I quickly took a shower picking out my yellow dress and white sandals. I brushed my hair and didn't bother to wear any make up. Wearing make ups make me feel like a clown.

I went downstairs to see my parents chatting with Reece. They stood up when they heard me enter the living room.

"Sweetie, Reece here would like to take you out on a date." My mom was the first one to say something after they all finished staring at me. Seriously, am I really that ugly without make up on?

"Bring her home safely okay?" Dad said sternly. I rolled my eyes at them and bid our goodbyes.

"So where are we going?" I asked as soon as we got into his car.

"Its a surprise." He answered smirking handing me a blindfold.

"What's that for?"

"For your eyes genius. And no peeking." He stuck his tongue out at me. I just grinned and put my blindfolds on.

30 minutes later we arrived at this beautiful Pavilion right outside of the city. "WHat are we going to do here?"

"Geeesh Vi, so many questions." He rolled his eyes playfully at me.

He held his hand out at me and we started walking through the woods until we reached a cozy looking cottage next to a river.

We walked inside the cottage and I gawked at how the tables were set like one of those fancy looking restaurants arrange the tables. And the food smelled delicious smelling like roast beef and corns.

"May I?" Reece asked as he guided me to the table and helped me sit down on the chair like what the guys do in the movies.

Right at that moment I felt like I was the happiest girl ever, I was princess and he was the prince.

We ate dinner and spent the whole night getting to know each other.

As the night ended he drove me back home, walking me until we reached our front porch. That was where we shared our first kiss.

A few days went by and our first kiss was followed by our second, third, until I lost count and we finally became official.

Everything was perfect. It felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world. Everyone I love was happy for me. I had my first boyfriend. First kiss and First love.

Until this one day, Alexandria, my neighbor told me that everything was a joke and that Reece was just playing me. It was all just a bet. I didn't want to believe her, since I know that some girls hate me because I'm dating one of the hottest guys in Paris. So I didn't believe what she was saying.

Reece and I was suppose to be going to a party tonight, so I decided to take a shower do my hair and pick out my clothes. At exactly 8:00 our doorbell rang. I bid my goodbyes to my brothers since my parents are out on a business meeting.

Reece picked me up.

As we arrived at the party Reece told me that he was just going to get us both a drink. And told me to wait at the living room where most of them were dancing and the spotlights were going wild like a disco ball. I stood there in the corner waiting for Reece to come back. 30 minutes have passed and he still wasn't here.

I was making my way through the sweaty bodies when a bright white light was pointed towards me. The music stopped and Agathe was there beside the DJ, Agathe was the school slut in our school. The Queen of all Bitches.

"Excuse me everyone, may I have your attention?" She announced in her fake barbie doll voice.

"I would like you all to watch this." She pointed at a projector screen. I was shocked at what I saw. It was all pictures of me and Reece making out. Him and me almost having sex but didn't because I was too young. Everything with us kissing was there in the video. At the last part there was a message saying: "WHO'S THE WANNABE NOW? SLUT!" and then te spotlight was directed to me.

I saw Reece smirking and going up the stage with Agathe. He kissed her full on the lips with his eyes focused at me. I didn't know what to do or say. But the humiliation didn't stop there.

"It was all a lie. I never liked you Violet. You're so pathetic did you really think that I would like a stupid girl like you? No way." Reece announced through the mic, everyone in the whole party laughed at me and so I ran. I ran out of this place. I ran out until I reached my house and quickly made my way up to my room locking the door.

That's was what Violet was before. Now, its happening again. I don't know how she moved on from that incident. But ever since what had happened in Paris her family decided to just stay here permanently.

Never looking back.

Ever since what happened, she always had her guards up. She decided to change her looks, she became more fierce and strong. She promised herself not to fall in love again.

Until Lucas happened.

Everyone in the room fell quiet as Monique told us the story. That cruel son of a bitch broke my baby's heart and humiliated her in the worst way possible.

"What a cruel bastard!" I exclaimed. Everyone in the room turned their attentions to me.

"What makes you any different you fucker!" Tyler one of the twins exclaimed.

Then we all shut up and ate dinner quietly, each in our own trance of thoughts.


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