Chapter IV

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Chapter 4

O horrid light


I had entered the structure from its main door through a hallway. The hallway was aged and riddled with cobwebs. Dust filled the cold air making me cough from such a circumstance. Further I walked the aged stone floors and from what I could see some the stone tiles were ruined to the point of showing dirt. Clearly this place hadn’t been used in ages. Had such a sinister aura not plagued this structure, it would make a wonderful encampment for troops. It’s visibility was not only low to incoming enemy troops but it’s location could allow for easy access down either sides of the mountain. However it seemed to have served such a purpose before as I laid my eyes on ancient warriors now deceased and boned lifeless on the floor. They lacked a crest upon their garb yet it resembled western European style. One could argue this may have been from the time of ancient Rome although I was uncertain, as my eyes were tired from the ascent up the mountain to this forgotten keep.

My legs forced themselves to tread further on until I came at a halt of a grand wooden door. I put two firm hands on it and took a deep breath. Whatever lay behind this door was what lay before me and what little chance of survival I had left. I planted a foot in front of me and exerted my energy into a mighty push on the door. After great strength was used , it finally opened forth a truly splendid room. There was truly not a lack of surprise here.

Dear lord.. How old is this place?

It was a vast atrium complete with a chandelier, two stairs leading to a balcony and guardian statues whose stony gaze was enough to scare this place from the mightiest of kings. There were a grand total of 7, 3 on each side and 1 larger in stature separating the two stairs from the middle. The ones of the left and right depicted angelic figures in elegant , flowing drapery and in ever so graceful pose. They seemed to be angels and saints seemingly desecrated in the face. Whomever was here was clearly not of Christian faith. This only furthered my suspicion as the den of he who ordered the pagan behemoth to attack my men earlier. In front of these statues were altars of lit candles and various bloody dismembered limbs. It spilled from the tops of these altars sometimes spilling on the candles causing them to dim and create a ghastly stench. The stone floor was adorned with an old red carpet tattered to a degree leading to the main, large statue, truly the spectacle of this room. To it’s sides were the two stairs leading to the second floor and above it, a small balcony.

This statue was different from the rest. It was an angel, yet it’s posture was not as graceful compared to it’s kin. It’s armed curled and outstretched exaggerated it’s claw like hands and sharp nails. It’s chest puffed outwards and large wings showed it was a powerful angel indeed. However one could surmise it was not an angel. In fact, it’s beautiful face was scowling in such a way it seemed it was screaming in a horrid, inhuman shriek. Sharp, pointed teeth came from it’s grimacing mouth complemented by an extended tongue. What was truly horrifying was it’s eyes. They were stone yet, it seemed it contained more anger, more fear than a vicious dragon. It’s eyes piercing your soul and judging from the depths of oblivion itself. And it, unlike the others, was not desecrated. This was not an angel. It was an angel of Hell, a demon.

I picked up my blade and tread further until I noticed something odd. I looked at the windows between the statues on the right and left. Although they were covered with ruined, tattered drapery I could see an effort was made to cover them. Some were even boarded up. Clearly what was here had a hatred for the light as the only light in this room was candlelit.  And it was wrong. It was dark, and quiet. I walked further on felt a chill against my neck, caressing me with it’s bleak presence. It grew uncomfortable. It grew weary. It grew dark and cold, silent and alone. The swaying dance of the candlelit flames were my only comrade now, the gaze of the monstrous angel scowling at me from the depths of Hell.


The stairs ahead violently shook  and I could see a vague shadow of a man-like creature. I heard it again and again until it was all over. But it was far from it.

Hiss! Hiss! Hraagh!

The creatures snarled at me with disgusting features. On their naked, hollow features I could make out faces that were once that of men but now beasts out for blood. The hunger in their eyes revealed a swelling red screaming for a taste of flesh and blood. Their open, snarled mouths showed fierce bestial teeth sharp enough to bite a mans face off yet delicate enough to rip every individual tissue inside the putrid cave of it’s mouth. Outstreched tongues dripped fresh crimson upon the floor and they seemed eager for more. They inched closer and closer, the candles revealing them more and more until I could see one completely with the help of the flame. It was almost hairless and barely clothed. What clothes it had were tattered and patched, torn and stained with blood and filth. Their hands sharp and curled like claws showed fresh red as well. What was most disturbing of all was the blood surrounding all of it’s mouth and dripping on it’s chest. This creature, this monstrosity was not a man. It was once a man, now a beast!


They charged at me sharp nails curled like a wolf’s claws. Slashing and kicking, biting and shoving I seemed to dodge their blows until I was backed against the wall. It was clear this was my fight for survival and I mustered my blade in my hand and swung a horizontal strike with my remaining might.

Euuggaagh! Arms, fingers, flesh and bone were ripped from a putrid body in A splattering gallery of dark red.

Aaaaghh!  More I cleaved the beasts flesh in a dance of cold blood. They were unlike any men I had ever fought: They were far more resilient and even immune to some slashes. The ghouls even continued attack with severed limbs. Finally one charged at me with a powerful swipe of it’s hand strong enough to break a wooden shield. Backed against the wood planks of the covered window, I moved to the side. The ghoul struck the wood planks and tore them open revealing the window light. It yelled in such agony and horror it was as if it’s very soul was being ripped apart. Slowly I could see the creature beginning to burn in the morning light and violently spasm in deep pain. Then I ran to the other boarded window and struck the window planks with my blade ripping open some of it’s curtain in the process. The beasts running at me suffered the same damage as the others at the light and I then struck it with my blade causing it to violently cease to exist. I repeated this with the other windows and lured the other beasts to the light then sending them to a bloody, burning oblivion.

Finally, it was all over. I had the evidence to go back and report to my superiors to send forces to fight such evils here. But for now I rested in such hunger and weariness I could barely move after I’d fell on the floor. I collapsed and fell beside my blade tired and hungry having used up my remaining energy to fight the beasts from earlier. Opening the boarded windows may have greatly aided me in battle but made my collapse so cold and unforgiving I could feel my very humanity dripping away. My spirit itself felt as bleak and empty as the very body who housed it. My eyes dimmed and my vision began to give away again, and perhaps for good. Were this my last moments on this earth I would regret not making it back, but satisfied I’d have slain such beasts.

The cold, black shadows of my mind slowly overtook my vision until I saw a dark figure coming from the left stairway and another from the right. The left was clothed in long, dark robes. But the other... a feminine figure in long scarlet robes. Was it.. the maiden in red?

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