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The song of the fallen

Long ago, in a time before the shadow of man cast fear and manipulation over the world there was a garden of such perfection even the thought of it brought a pure, warming feeling in the hearts of those who basked in the its presence in their thoughts.

The creator orchestrated the existence of such perfection in one of his many movements in the creation of all life and beauty. It’s harmonies brought forth the songs earth and her seas of fire that came to rise into the world. From His words the hymns of the wind and growls of the earth came to be, and eventually the chirps of the birds and the cries of its animal kin.

All was well and soon from his masterpiece of creation came to a finale in the creation of a single, perfect haven, the garden called Eden. It was a wonder to behold and a sight one could never forget. It was as if all the beauty of the earth was captured into one single utopia of nature and serenity. The light descended on this place in an embrace that made it shine from years away in the hearts of those who gazed upon it. High above it’s towering trees and waterfalls the birds coexisted with the animals and fish below it in a perfect harmony bringing forth such a mesmerizing light that was only rivaled by the birth of new life.

From the light of the utopia on earth came it’s two inhabitants who breathed the air with bodies of humanity and mortal radiance. They were Adam and Lilith: the first created in the epic of the Composer of life. From His celestial fingers the breath of life and mortality came into them, awakened to animation for the first time.

But all was not well, the Composers jealous child was angry. He was unsuccessful in his coup d’etat of the throne of the Heavens and thus cast into the black flames of the everlasting abyss. And in his jealousy he seeked to foil the fruit of the Composer and make it his own. It was then he came to Lilith while she was bathing alone, and in the guise of her husband sung a serenade of lust and desire into her ears. Thus it  caused the two to engage in a dance of carnal love and passion in the waters of a waterfall in Eden. Soon he took his form and amazed the mortal with his inhumanly dark beauty and passion then brought her to the depths of hell along with him.

Overcome with grief at the loss of his wife, the Creator felt a great pity and created him a new wife called Eve to call his own. However the snake of heaven was not yet finished and thus devised a plan to bring down the grace of men. In the form of a snake he sung sweet words to Eve and caused her to eat from the tree of knowledge the creator had forbade mortals to eat from. Defying her Composer she and soon Adam ate from it while the snake basked in the success of his plan. The Creator then grew angry at his creations and stripped of them their radiance leaving them imperfect beings cast out the trees of utopia.

In the lake of fire the Lilith begat her first children - Children of the darkness. Born from the mortal radiance of Lilith and the dark divinity of the Snake they were powerful as they were terrible. From the bowels of Tartarus they made their way to the land of men doing the bidding of themselves and their father, the king of angels. They commanded and mated with the creatures of the surface creating such monstrosities that disrupted the natural balance of earth. They were worshipped and feared by men soon, man realized the creatures of nightmare were truly real, for the children of the night are as real as the children of the day.

- Yes, I reworked the former info and stuff page to a prologue because it made more sense lul-

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