Chapter 32

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"You are sure you're all set?" Romeo asked me for the fiftieth time as I stood in front of the plane entrance.

"Yes, Romeo, I promise!" I laughed as my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

"I'll miss you." Romeo finally said as he opened his arms.

"I will miss you too." I smiled as I hugged him.

"Email me when you land since I live in a different country?" He frowned.

"Of course!" I said as I started to walk away from him.

"Stay safe!" Romeo shouted from the other side of the gates.

"You too." I shouted back as I got on the plane and took my seat.

"Hi, I'm sorry but would you be interested in switching me seats?" I looked up to see Lauren asking the middle aged man next to me.

"Yeah, sure." The man said as he grabbed his computer bag and stood up.

"I sit right there." Lauren pointed as the man took his seat. "Heyyyy Harper!"

"Hey Lauren, again!" I laughed since I just saw her about ten minutes ago.

"How was saying goodbye to Romeo?"

"Fine, I guess." I said giving her a dirty look as I got my phone and headphones out.

"Did you guys hug?"

"Yes, I hugged all of you guys."

"Did you kiss?"

"Why would we?" I asked as I pressed 'shuffle all' and put one headphone in so I could still hear Lauren in one ear.

"Because it's obvious you guys like each other!" Lauren elbowed me with a smirk on her face. "The only other person Romeo ever acted like that with was Kylie, and they dated!"

"We're just really good friends!"

"Yeah, so are Romeo and I and you don't see him taking me to plays and spending the night in my room and watching the titanic with me!"

"It's just because I don't really get out much."

"Lie to me again, Harper." Lauren smirked.

"No he's really just trying to be nice!"

"Yeah, sure."

"We don't like each other like that." I told her.

"Don't you though?"


"Listen," She said as she turned towards me and put her hands on mine. "If this is about Veronica having a crush on Romeo, she'll get over it, she won't hate you or anything she'll just pick her head up and find someone else!"

"Wait, back up." I put my hand up with a confused look on my face.

"Find someone else?" Lauren repeated herself.

"No, Veronica has a crush on Romeo?"

"Um, duh!" Lauren laughed. "She has since she met him in ninth grade, which was only like a year and a half ago, but still."

"I never knew that. Is she mad at me?"

"No, we just all know you guys are going to date soon, you can't choose who you like or who likes you, and V knows that."

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