Chapter 16

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So the last three weeks have been a mixture of boring and semi-fun activities. My day mostly consisted of me smiling at my family photo from the airport, but becoming sad because I missed my family so much, random hang meals with Romeo, touring Paris with Veronica and Lauren and sitting through boring classes as Hunter explained how he wished possums were extinct.

"I'm more than willing to tell Derek I don't want to be his date, just to hang out with you." Veronica smiled as she rubbed my arm.

"I'll be fine, I'm just going to sit in my room, watching some random TV show, I'm not much of a school dance person anyways!" I said for the thousandth time.

It was Friday, my favorite day of the week, and tomorrow was the school dance, they're homecoming dance I'm assuming, I didn't really ask. However, both Lauren and Veronica had dates to the dance, Lauren was going with Hunter and Veronica was go with some Derek kid that says "bro" every two seconds. But a rumor was going around that Romeo might be asking Kylie to the dance, "Just for old times sake" was what he told me when I questioned him about it.

Now I know I don't really have any right to get mad at Romeo for possibly taking Kylie to the dance instead of me, since we're not not really dating, well not even close to dating, but I still was pretty mad.

In the last three weeks I've spent a lot f time with Romeo, and although nothing has really happened, it's felt like stuff has. And I know he probably just thinks of me as a friend, but I'm concerned that that's not how I think of him.

"Harp?" Veronica said as she waved her hand in my face.

"What, sorry I was just thinking about how cute you and Derek will be at the dance!" I smiled.

"You sure you don't want me to cancel?" Veronica asked as she waved her phone in front of my face.

"I'm sure, now go get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow." I smiled at her.

"You're the best, Harp." Veronica smiled as she gave me a quick hug and rushed into our dorm building.

I stood up from the bench we were sitting at and started to walk towards the dorms. As I made it to the door I turned when I heard someone say Romeo's name. Kylie.

My heart immediately dropped as I saw her throw her arms around Romeo's neck. They didn't kiss, but they might as well have, the way she was hugging his neck, looking like she could almost choke the boy to death.

I couldn't help but stare as they pulled back from the hug. Then what I never wanted to happen, happened.

Romeo turned and saw me staring directly at him and Kylie, and the only thing I got from him was a small wave. I waved back as I shoved my way into the dorm building and stomped my way up to my room.

"You good?" Lauren said to me as I stomped past her and unlocked my door.

"Yeah fine." I quickly answered before laying on my stomach on my bed, silently convincing myself not to cry.

As soon as I convinced myself not to cry and that it totally want worth crying over, my phone buzzed on my bedside table.

The words, "He would never ask her to the dance," and "He doesn't like her anymore." kept swirling through my head as I reached for my phone.

"Hunter Reynolds: Dude, are you going to ask Kylie or not? Whole schools rooting for you man!"

And just like that, after convincing myself that he would never ask her, and that he didn't like, and not to cry, I finally just let it all out.

All of it had been pent up and bubbling inside of me finally came out.

The only thing I thought I could do was call the one person I trust more than family in this world.

I wiped the tears as "calling: BFF Lyd:)" scrolled across my computer, and I waited to tell her everything about Romeo, and how he was about to ask his ex girlfriend to homecoming when I had been wishing he was going to ask me.

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