Chapter 8

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"Harper!" I heard someone yell to me as I stood at the very top of the eiffel tower, gazing at the people below who looked like ants.

"I'm up here." I yelled back. The time was now nine o'clock, according to a large clock I read.

Everything was starting to shut down. The whole city was coming to a close for the night. The beautiful skyline as bright as ever against the dark sky.

"Gosh where the heck did you go, we were scared!" Lauren gasped as she reached the top step. Veronica and Romeo were right behind her, all out of breath.

"I just came up here." I said quietly as I continued to take in every inch of the view in front of me.

"We thought you got kidnapped!" Veronica exclaimed, still out of breath.

"Sorry I would have said something but you seemed," I paused to look for the right word. "Preoccupied."

"Told you she probably left while we were arguing!" Romeo shot a knowing glance at Lauren.

"Yeah Yeah, blame me I don't care." She rolled her eyes.

"Nobody Is blaming you, we're just happy we found Harper." Veronica said as she put her hand on my shoulder, bringing me back into reality from my Paris-filled thoughts.

"Let's go back to our dorms," Lauren sighed as she started walking back down the steps. "early morning." She said as she looked back at the three of us who were still standing there.


"I brought you a sub." Lauren said as she walked into my dorm.

"Thank you!" I smiled as I grabbed it and laid back down on my bed.

"Veronica and I ordered some and we got you one too." She smiled. "And Romeo, Veronica wanted to take him his, though."

"Well I appreciate it." I said as Lauren started to dig through my backpack.

"You're all packed and ready to go, aren't you?" She laughed. "I was like this last year, too."

"Like what?" I asked as I chomped on my sub.

"All neat and organized and everything." She laughed.

"You're not?" I asked her.

"Heck no! I have two folders and a note book, and that's it!"

"You're crazy!"

"I think you are, Miss Clean Freak!"


"Hardly." She The rolled her eyes. "I've better take a shower and get ready for tomorrow, see you at breakfast?"

"What time?"

"6:45, round table on the left side."

"See you there."

"Hope you will." Lauren smiled as she shut my dorm door.

I finished my sub and began to get ready to sleep for the first time in my dorm in Paris when my computer started ringing.

"Invitation to four-way FaceTime call!" Popped up.

I pressed yes and Lauren, Romeo and Veronica all popped up.

"I'm about to jump into the shower, make it quick." Lauren rolled her eyes as she stood in her dorm bathroom, covered by a robe.

"You guys going to breakfast?" Veronica asked.

"Wouldn't miss it." Romeo answered.

"Same." Lauren and I said in unison, which made us both laugh.

"6:45 left side round table?" Romeo asked.

"Yup." Lauren answered.

"See you there." Romeo smiled as he hung up, all three of us girls followed and I shut my laptop off.

"First day tomorrow, goodnight I love you." I sent to my parents. Then I drifted off into a semi-peaceful sleep with the sound of a bath running in the dorm above me.

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