Chapter 26

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"Miss Collins, you are aware of the reason you're here, correct?" The dean of students, Mrs. Fenner said as I sat down in her office chair.

"Yes, Ma'am, I am." I shook my head, ashamed.

"Would you like to tell me why you were in our school's library after hours, on the computer?" She raised her eyebrows at me. "Do you not own a computer of your own, because you should have thought of that before the library closed!"

"I do have a computer of my own, Ma'am." I said as I looked down at my feet.

"Then what on earth could be the reason you had broken into the library at nine o'clock at night?"

"I don't know." I frowned, trying to keep it together. "I'm very sorry, Mrs. Fenner, it won't happen again."

"You're right it won't, you are suspended for four days, you will have to take your midterms after school hours here in my office and I will have to think long and hard if I'm willing to accept you back at this school next year." She said with a stern voice and straight face as she stared into my soul. "Now you are dismissed, Miss Collins."

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am." I said as I stood up and went to exit her office.

"I could give you two days if you admit to me who you broke into the library with."

"I didn't break in with anyone else, just me."

"Very well them, I expect to see you back at school on Friday, after you've done your midterms and fulfilled your suspension." I just nodded and walked out of her office and out of the school.

As I walked out of the school I saw Veronica, Lauren, Romeo and Hunter all waiting for me outside. They stood up from the bench they were sitting on when they saw me.

"What did she say, are you okay?" I first heard Lauren ask.

"Did she let you off with a warning?" Veronica asked before I could answer Lauren.

The questions just continued to flood in. "I'm suspended, for four days. Now if you all don't mind, I'd like to go take a nap, it's been a long twelve hours." I shrugged as I replayed what happened in the last twelve hours as I walked away from the four of them, their jaws wide open before they continued to pester me. I just ignored them as I walked towards the dorms, thinking about the campus security catching us and them finding that it was me who was there because I was logged in on the computer.

As soon as I shut the door behind me in my dorm and took my shoes and coat off, all my tears flowed out. The tears I had been holding up since I found out the dean wanted to see me in her office. The tears I had when she told me I was suspended for four days, the first time I've ever gotten in trouble in my life.

I wanted my brain to stop working so I could stop thinking about it and stop crying, there was nothing I could do now, I just had to learn, and get over it.

But the easiest way to start that plan in my opinion was to completely stopped thinking about it, for at least a second. So I convinced myself to stop crying for at least a second so I could fall asleep, and finally let my brain have a break. The break that my brain needed and my heart didn't at the time.

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