Chapter 11

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*friday after class*

"We are never going to be able to pull this off." Lauren sighed as we walked to the boys dorms with decorations in our hands.

"Veronica Shillings, Lauren Michaels, girl I don't know." A boy said as he walked up behind us.

Both Lauren and Veronica jumped when they turned around and saw the boy. "Hunter!" They said in harmony as they both tried to hug the boy without dropping the decorations, even though a few pieces of candy fell out of Veronica's bag.

I bent down to pick them up as Lauren said, "Hunter Reynolds meet Harper Collins. Harper Collins meet Hunter Reynolds."

"Nice to meet you." I said as I extended my hand to the tall, brunette boy.

He took my hand and gave it a gently shake. "Nice to meet you too." He smiled. "But a party, that I wasn't invited to?" He asked. I saw Lauren smile and giggle, it was a school girl giggle, nothing like the giggle she let out in my room last night when we were re-watching the Justin Bieber roast.

"It wasn't my idea, but since Romeo and Kylie broke up-"

"They broke up?" Hunter's jaw dropped.

"Yes," Lauren continued. "So Harper offered to throw a party with him and volunteered all of us since he usually throws the back to school party with Kylie." Lauren explained.

"Gotcha." Hunter nodded. "The back to school party was the only reason I flew in today."

"Yeah you missed a lot." Lauren rolled her eyes as we continued to walk into the boys dormitory.

"Nothing I can't bull crap and turn in I'm assuming." Hunter joked as he opened the door for us as we walked through.

"Have you gotten your dorm yet?" Veronica asked.

"304." Hunter said as we got into the elevator, pressing the third floor button.

"That's right next to Romeo's!" Veronica grinned.

"I was guessing since I heard Ariana Grande playing in there."

"Seriously?" Lauren snorted.

"Yeah, seriously! I was like woah, is that Romeo or Romeo's twin brother?"

I gave Lauren a confused look, "He doesn't really have a twin brother." She whispered to me as Hunter was still babbling about how he had a hole in his canoe. I nodded in response as we got off on the third floor.

"What took you guys so long?" Romeo asked as he leaned against his dorm rooms doorway. "We only have four and a half hours until the party starts." He grinned.

Trouble in Paris (a Romeo Beckham fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon