Namjoon immediately ran over to the crib and picked him up cradling his head,

" Shh daddy's here.. I'm right here no one is gonna hurt you baby boy " Yoongi stirred awake and was softly crying, he didn't even care that he was in Namjoons arms. Yoongi was completely out of little space due to the fear of his nightmare.

" Shh daddy's got you " Namjoon had been bounce walking with Yoongi for a minute and Yoongi started to realize what was happening and pushed Namjoon off.

As Yoongi fell to the floor he just blatantly sobbed. Namjoon realized he had wanted little space but came out quickly. Namjoon got on his level and just hugged him.

" Get off of m-me " Namjoon just smiled.

" Is that really what you want Yoongi? Okay but I won't leave you until you're done crying " Yoongi looked up angrily and just seethed in his own self worth.

" You know if you want I could hold you.. it's always better to cry in safe arms of someone who you can trust than alone you know " Yoongi looked up and just looked back down,

" Come on pumpkin come to dada " Namjoon held out his arms and Yoongi just scoffed,

" You aren't my fucking caregiver I have asked you to take me ho- " Namjoon just grabbed Yoongi and pulled him into his chest.

Yoongi kicked and trashed for a minute and even tried to bite Namjoon but e took it and didn't let him go despite the thrashing.

" Let.. me ... GO!! " Yoongi screamed and thrashed but after about 10 minutes of constant kicking and screaming he just slowly stopped and koala hugged Namjoon.

" Let it out little one it's alright, please don't hurt dada okay I would never hurt you " he just nodded his head as Namjoon picked him up.

" I'm sorry I act that way I'm just scared " Yoongi confessed while nestling into the crook of Namjoons neck. Namjoon smiled,

" I know you are, but please just accept the love don't push it away I only want to help you " Yoongi had let out a hiccup.

" No one has ever really wanted me in life so I just kinda learned to deal with it and push it away " he said softly with a few voice cracks as Namjoon sat in the rocking chair.

" It's alright pumpkin how do you feel right now? "

" I'm just really tired " Namjoon had a small look of confusion and worry on his face.

" Sweetheart you've slept so much yesterday and today come on no more naps today let's go get you something to eat " Yoongi looked up fast and almost started crying again,

" I'm not hungry I ate a lot yesterday " Namjoon frowned, he knew he hadn't eaten in months by the look of him.

" Baby let's just drink some water then you need fluids " Yoongi made a face of pure fear.

Don't you dare you fucking fatass

Please leave me alone

You drink it you'll gain weight, you must. Be. Perfect Yoongi don't you do it. You know the consequences.

Please stop I just want to be happy

" Baby hey look at me what's wrong " Yoongi had spaced out completely for about two minutes straight. Namjoon grew extremely concerned but wouldn't show it.

" Come on let's go get you some milk Bugga " Yoongi wanted to die, he felt a pit in his stomach. He couldn't eat for " it would make him fat he had to be perfect " this was when Yoongi went limp and decided to make a plan.

My Little One { Sugamon }Where stories live. Discover now