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"Alright! looks likes we're all done here!" Stephen said, "thanks for coming out and helping us, i know you have a new baby and Scar at home,"
"yeah, i got to get going home to them," he said. Stephen is a worker for jeal's and the bar broke so they called Wolfe cause he's the biggest dude in France.
He nodded and walked to the ship, he had the same feeling he had when Scarlet was taken so he wanted to see Scarlet and Maha to make sure their alright.
As he pulled up to the house, the Barn door, and the front door were open. He parked the ship. 
He opened the front door and heard Maha crying, "Scarlet?!" he yelled. No answer. "SCARLET?!"  He ran upstairs to get Maha, she was okay. He picked her up and went down stairs, then inhaled a long, long breath.
No. something, new. unfirmiliar. dangerous. unwelcome. but no trace of Scarlet. 
With the baby, he ran out to the barn. when he got inside it, there was picture's of them together everywhere doing everything. 
He hollered and called the police. 
After calling the crew, Thorne and Cress showed up with Jacin and Winter, who offered to take care of Maha. Though Wolfe was reluctant because Winter looked shook, he gave in and he, Thorne, and Cress began looking for her.

They'd been looking for hours, he couldn't catch her scent. He was so infuriated and upset, he didn't know what to do, he couldn't protect her from this. its his fault, if he hadn't left, then she would be here, smiling at him with those eyes. He slumped.
Thorne put a hand on his shoulder, "We're all here, feeling the same. We are going to find her. If we can save two planets, we can save one Scarlet," he said.
"both equally important," he muttered back, "i'm not going to stop." 
"neither are we." Cress said with a determination Wolfe liked in her.

After a full 24 hours of searching, everyone was tired so they went home and slept a restless slumber. While Wolfe, he just sat in his room, and watched Maha sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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