The Girl

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As Wolfe was driving a 5 month pregnant Scarlet to the hospital, he thought about being a dad.  He was terrified. utterly and completely terrified.  Howould someone like him, be a father? He would terrify his kids at one look.
"Wolfe, a-are you alright?" she asked. 
He looked at her. she was more beautiful than ever. and more fragile. she didn't need to worry about him. so he nodded. "Im just thinking about us," he said with a smile.

The doctor walked in the room with a smile, "i have good news, and new news!" he said.
"whats the good news?" scarlet asked.
"The baby is just fine, growing normally. Mr. Kesley's mo-"
"Ze'ev is fine" he said, growing impatient 
"Ze'evs modification's haven't done anything to the child, it's just fine," He could tell Scarlet was getting annoyed at everybody calling the baby it. she wanted to know the gender.
"And the news?" he asked.
Dr. Nyland smiled, "we have the gender, do you want to know it now? or be suprised?" he asked.
"NOW!" Wolfe and Scarlet said in unison, barely a second after he asked. The doctor jumped back, startled. 
He paused, "It's a girl," he smiled as Scarlet and Wolfe grinned at each other, "I'll give you two some privacy, and it will be 150 univs," Wolfe held out his wrist so the doctor could scan before he left.
"its a girl! we're having a girl!" Scarlet said before kissing Wolfe passionately.
He walked out of the hospital with a plastered smile and a little voice in his head telling him to run.

As Wolfe was setting up the group comm,  Scarlet noticed he looked distant, not distant, isolated. like he wanted to say something but he couldn't.
"Wolfe, are you o-" was all she could say before Cress, Thorne, Winter, and Jacin were on the comm (Kai and Cinder will join later, their doing royalty stuff at the moment).
She smiled, "Hey!" Wolfe walked to her and put his arms around her, she snuggled against him.
"if you just called to do that, don't call," Thorne said before Cress elbowed him.
"HA! your arms are around Cress everytime we call!" Jacin said, his own hand joined with Winter's, causing Thorne to blush and Cress look smug. 
At that moment, Cinder joined, "hey lovebirds," she said as a joke but had a longing look in her eyes. 
Scarlet didn't say anything, just laughed.
"So why'd you call?" Winter asked.
"We have to wait for Kai, what have you guys been up to?"
They all talked of travel and politics and antidotes and how winter is better. Scarlet glanced at Wolfe, his face was dark each time she looked.
At some point Kai had joined and Scarlet coughed, purposely, "So, we called... because we have news. on the babies gender," she said with a ear to ear grin. 
Everybody was quiet for a second, "What's the gender?!" they said in unison, making Scarlet laugh. She looked at Wolfe, he still had his haunted expression, but he looked happier. 
"It's a girl," she said while turning to the screen with a huge smile.
Cress, Winter, and Iko squealed while the rest smiled and congradulated them.
Scarlet laughed, "We haven't worked anything out yet, you know as much as we do, anyways.. we have things to do on the farm, i miss you guys so much. Bye," they all said goodbye to eachother and ended the comm one by one.  Wolfe sighed.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Scarlet asked him. He was standing with his hands on the table and his head hung, "Wolfe?"
He shook his head, "No.. No I am not alright!" he shouted, startling Scarlet, "I am completely terrified! i can't be a father! im hideous and terrifying! Scarlet, i," his head went up and he ran out of the house.

It's been 2 hours since Wolfe ran off, Scarlet was a crying mess. She told Cinder of what happened only because she thought Cinder would understand and not pity her to much, she didn't. she just told her that everything would be alright and that Wolfe had never pictured this for himself so, it's a little overwhelming for him. Scarlet nodded but wondered, why hadn't I seen this? She laid in her bed with her eyes on the door and a shirt of his in her other hand. it was soaked with tears. Why? Why did he leave? who knows, he could be running around the farm, blowing off steam. he will be back. he will. he's my alpha. forever. but he would have said something. wouldnt he? maybe he thought i would be annoyed. but wouldnt he know i wouldnt? this father thing may be to much. her heart sunk, what if he wasnt going to come back?
 the bed felt empty and she couldn't sleep. 

The next morning, she went to her bathroom and her face was a puffy mess. she remembered what had happened. tears threatend to come. she faught them down. he was coming back. he. was. coming. back. she changed and went down stairs.
Wolfe was making breakfast. he turned around and looked at her, then hugged her. she hugged back but then pushed him off and punched him.
"WOLFE!! WHAT THE HELL??" she remember how mad she was. he looked down. ugh. why is he so cute? she thought but didn't react, "I AM PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD AND I AM MARRIED TO YOU! ONE, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO TALK TO EACH OTHER. TWO, I WAS WORRIED SICK. THREE, AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH.... this is what scared you... why?" She looked up and saw he had tears in his eyes, he looked like he was in so much pain and regret, "hey.. I'm glad your back.. but you scared me so much, i thought you would never come back," she started crying. He wrapped his arms around her
"hey, im so sorry. im so sorry. im so sorry. i will never leave you again. i want to be with you forever. im so sorry. i should have talked to you.. im so sorry.. I love you, so much," He said quietly, his tears fell into her hair, making her cry and hug him harder.


She slept better the next night, in his arms. they stayed up late and he told her everything, from his doubts, to his hopes. 


Scarlet and Wolfe we're closer than ever and it was a normal day, January 29, 130 T.E.
Scarlet was walking down the stairs to eat, Wolfe was outside feeding the animals, when she got dizzy and had to sit down for a minute. She got back up and walked to the fridge. she was looking around and then. and then. her water broke. her.. water.. broke.. IIT"S TIME!!!! 

"WOLFE! WOLFE!!" she called. 
he came in and she was looking at the floor, then he looked.
"Scar.." he said, tears threatening him, 
she looked at him and smiled, then frowned, "COME ON! LET'S GO!!" 
he was stunned, "right," he smiled, then went to pick her up, he kissed her then carried her to the ship. 
when they were driving, Scarlet had contractions but was suprisingly calm about everything. she still screamed though. he held her hand and told her she could do it, he loves her, just breathe, we're almost there. 
When they got there, they rolled her to a private room, then delivered the baby.

She was 16 inches, 7 pounds, had bright blue-green eyes, small brown hair, and was named Maha Michelle Kesley. She was beautiful.

They called the crew an hour after she was delivered. it had now been 3 hours, and they were on their way home. Scarlet couldn't take her eyes off of Maha, and Wolfe couldn't stop beaming at both of them, his family, his stars, the lights of his life.

They pulled up and everything seemed normal, but it smelled different, but familiar and not dangerous. As they walked in, Thorne, Cress, and Winter jumped up from behind the couch, Jacin walked in from their hallway, "CONGRATULATIONS!!" "AWWEE shes so pretty!" "were so excited!" "You guys are so adorable" from everyone and, from Jacin, "nice" and an approving nod was all they got (any one else realize how similar JacinxWinter are to the everything everything story??)
They had already made a nursery for the baby so Scarlet took the baby to sleep, Wolfe following shortly after. Cresswell slept on their ship, while Wincin slept in Scarlet's old, updated, now guest room.
Wolflet ended up bringing Maha to their bed and slept comfortably. Wolfe watched lovingly as Scarlet fed Maha. Then, Scarlet passed out with Maha and Wolfe looked at them. they looked exactly alike. same nose, same lips, same ears, even made the same sounds in their sleep. soon, maha woke up fussily and Wolfe cuddled her (OH STARS, SO MANY FEELS FROM IMAGINING HIM WITH MAHA, IM CRYING!) and rocked her back and forth until she was asleep, soon he was sleeping on the rocking chair with Maha in his arms.

The last thing he thought before he slept was that he should never have been afraid, since this child was what he's been waiting for, his entire life.

A/N OMS I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!  FEEELS GOT MEEEE. Next chapter is the bad version, and the baby hasn't been delivered.
go follow my Lunar Chronicles Fanpage on instagram, it's littlelunarleanne


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