The Proposal.

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It's been almost a year since Wolfe and Scarlet decided to be together (nothing exciting happened that I could think about) and she thought she could never love wolfe more than she loved him now. She let Wolfe plan what they were going to do for their anniversary and all she knew that Wolfe was planning something so big he had Thorne and Cress fly in.

When Cress saw Scarlet she screamed then ran up and hugged her, while Wolfe and Thorne only nodded and shook hands.
"OMG!!  I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!" she seemed less shy than last time.
"Here, let's go make some tea and we'll talk. See you later boys?" They nodded and walked away.
"So, when did you and Wolfe finally decide that you guys were ready?
"To be honest, we broke after a week. I couldn't take it, and he couldn't take it. It worked out."
"Aawwweee, that's adorable. Me and Thorne literally couldn't be found apart for weeks after everything. Once, a reporter asked if she could have a private interview, and Thorne told her over his dead body and at first I was concerned but then again I was me and I fell for him all over again." Sounded about right.
"Sounds like Wolfe.. by the way, do you know what he's planning?"
"No, Wolfe told Thorne that he wasn't allowed to tell me. I begged him to but I think he's scared of Wolfe." Figures.
"Wait, you seem more cheery and less shy, what happened?"
"I've had A LOT of coffee, Kai asked me to figure out ways to distribute the "Lunar Blocker" and I haven't slept for a week." Wow.
"Well, I'm sorry about that." And they laughed.

After they caught up on everything, Wolfe and Thorne just walked in.
"Hey stranger!" Thorne said, she then realized they never even said hello to each other.
"Hey captain!" He beamed and they shared an awkward hug.
Scarlet looked at Wolfe who was also beaming with... pride?
"What are you two up to?" She asked
"Oh, you'll want to wait."  Thorne said. She groaned
"The anticipation is killing me!!"
"I know" said Wolfe. He winked and she glared at him.

Scarlet and Wolfe said their goodbyes to Thorne and Cress around 5. Their date was at 6. She had parted with Wolfe shortly after they left to get ready.
She decided to wear a red dress that fitted her perfectly and made her irresistible and brought out her facial features, with a pair of 2 inch red heals. She put on a little make up for the occasion.

As she was going down stairs, she saw Wolfe in his new suit that had fit him so perfectly it was unbearable. It made his body look incredibly sexy and she had to bite her lip to control herself.

He didn't notice her at first but when he did, the look on his face made her love him twice as much. He looked at her like she was the most prized diamond on the Earth, even if she was wearing her sweatpants and one of his shirts she knew he would look at her the same. But tonight was different. There is a sparkle that she only sees rarely. And not to mention, the brighter than the moon smile. She blushed and he let out a nervous breath.
"You look.. breath taking, I'm speachless." He stumbled.
"Thank you, and you look to handsome for me.."
"Are you kidding me? There is no man on Earth or Luna that would "to hansome" for you."
"I mean, except for you." She was being seductive she knew it, he knew it. He walked over and hugged her tightly.
"I love you." He wispered.
"Oh really? I couldn't tell."
Then he started kissing her the same way he did on the maglev train 2 years ago.

Here she was. Kissing the man she loved. She could stay here for ever and never get tired of this. And if he asked her to, she would.

When ever he was done, in her book to soon, he held his elbow out for her.
"So where to tonight my love?" She said, automatically feeling Wolfe's happiness from her calling him her love.
"The barn." He said smuggly.
"The barn?!" She asked "the run.. down... old.... barn."
Except, when they were outside, it wasn't the same old run down barn that she had played in a million times as a child.
There were lights all over it, making it shine like a star. Wolfe was beaming with pride.
"This is what you and Thorne were doing?! This is incredible! I love you!!" She beamed then went over what she had just said. She had never said that before to him. But she realized she wouldn't take back what she said in a million years. Wolfe's eyes got brighter and his smile was impossibly big, you'd think he was at the dentist.
"Wait, what did you say?" He asked
"I, I love you!" She wrapped herself around him and kissed him crazy.
"Scarlet, Scarlet! Let's save that for after dinner!!" She blushed and pulled away.
"Oh, did I mention that I love you too?" He had his arms around her as they walked towards the star/barn.

When they walked in, Scarlet was in awe.
There was a candlelit path to a table with roses surrounding it. The candles continued from the table up to the upstairs where she could already predict, more surprises.
"I-i- uh." She was incapable of speaking.
He laughed and sat her down at the table where two plates were already there. She sat and stared with awe.
"Are we going to eat or..."
She finally found her words "uh- yeah. Wolfe, this is incredible. It's so beautiful." He was staring at her again.
"What your feeling right now, is how I feel every time I look at you and think about you." She blushed.
"This is too much, I don't deserve this."
He moved his hands into hers and smiled.
"Scar, you deserve this and so much more. There is no way that can get even close to what you deserve. But, I am willing to spend the rest of my life trying to equal up to it." He got on one knee, Scarlet was bawling.
"I, Ze'ev Kesley, ask you, Scarlet Benoit, to be my wife, my alpha, and my best friend. Will you marry me?" He beamed.
"I. I. YES OF COURSE YES!" She jumped out of her seat and into his arms.
She showered him with kisses and he picked her up and took her upstairs where, of course, was more surprises. There was now a bed with rose petals formed into a heart. She didn't even bother looking around. All she wanted was him, she wanted to rip his clothes off with her teeth and do things to him that only she could.
He was hers. She was aloud to. And she was all his.
"I love you so much." She said.
"I love you so much more." He laid her on the bed and they kissed smoothly, melting their bodies together, she wanted to be closer but their bodies were tight together.
Wolfe zipped down the back of her dress and took she took off his jacket and shirt. He held her so tenderly and passionately, just the way she liked it. Her dress got stuck and Wolfe got frustrated and just ripped it off her. She laughed.
"That was oddly attractive."
"It got in the way of what I wanted." He winked.
She slid the dress off and he slipped his pants off revealing a pair of black underwear. She noticed the bulge and bit her lip. Then, they commenced the love making.

A/n.  Sorry for the short chapters they should be getting bigger and better soon.
So, what do you think? Am I doing good for my first Fanfic? Thanks for reading, and STAY TUNED!

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