The Story of Another Us: Prologue

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At the top/to the side I linked 'Mr Brightside' by The Killers :).

"Replay the scene over again, before the credits rolling in; inside my head."

Luke's P.O.V.

"It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss (it was only a kiss)," my alarm went off, blaring 'Mr. Brightside' by The Killers.

I slowly sat up, stretching my arms out behind me and smiling, knowing it'd be a good day.

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I stood up and slipped my feet into my slippers. I opened the blinds to let some light in and went downstairs, thumping my brother in his head as a greeting. As a response to this, my brother, Jack, who was staying at home while he was taking a semester off from college, stuck his middle finger high in the air. This caused me to just roll my eyes and laugh at his non-existent maturity level.

I had another brother as well, Ben, but he was still in college and had another semester until his graduation, so he decided not to come home for winter break, instead staying in his college dorm room.

I smiled when I saw my mum cooking breakfast. Despite it being 6:30 in the morning, no one in my family minded. We were all morning people and very family oriented, so being together in the morning was anything but terrible.

"Morning mum," I said to her, going to the refrigerator and pouring a bottled water into my glass and grabbing a lemon that I could add to the water. "What are you cooking?"

"Just some oatmeal and Eggs Benedict. I'm making it for all of us, so don't worry about having to make your own breakfast," my mum, Liz, told me.

"Cool, thanks. I'm gonna cut up this lemon and then I'll go watch tv for a bit until the food is ready," I said.

"Okay," she nodded. I smiled and got out the cutting board, choosing a sharp knife to cut the lemon.

I placed the lemon on the cutting board, slicing it into halves, quarters, and then finally, eighths. When I was cutting the last slice though, the knife slipped and cut the top of my hand.

"Shit," I mumbled. I placed the knife down and grabbed a paper towel, wetting it before placing it on the cut and watching the blood slowly seep through. It wouldn't have hurt so bad if the knife wasn't previously cutting a lemon, but since it was, the lemon juice from the knife burned into my hand.

"Lucas! No cursing!" my mum told me, not even turning around from the food she was cooking. I muttered a "sorry" and held the paper towel on the cut for about ten more seconds before throwing the towel away, placing four of the lemon slices into my water and taking it into the living room.

"That fucking hurt," I said to myself once I was in the living room, looking down at my hand and tracing the cut with my finger, which still burned slightly. Of course, Jack heard me say this, causing him to tell our mother dearest that her youngest son, who was only a senior in high school, had just dropped the 'f' bomb.

"Luke! What did I say about that?! No cursing or I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap!" mum told me from the kitchen. Jack snickered from where he was sitting at the dining room table and I just rolled my eyes, turning on the TV and flipping through the channels.

"Mum, Luke rolled his eyes at you!" Jack told her. I mean, god, I know that the job of an older brother is to be slightly annoying, but Jack was on the borderline of making me want to punch him in the jaw. So, I picked up my water glass, stood up, and walked upstairs before I acted on any other action that was running through my mind.

The Story of Another Us// Muke & CashtonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz