Chapter 18

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Out trip to Hogsmead the next day was postponed to the afternoon due to some rather sexy events the previous night that bled into the morning.

As we walked, I admired the falling snow with a smile on my face. Snape wouldn't hold my hand as we walked because he was sure we would get caught, but I still stuck close to him. That is, until I got an idea.

I hurried over to a snow bank and made a few snow balls. As he walked onward, I took careful aim. Why did he have to walk so fast??

I stood right behind him and took my shot. As it made contact with his back, I dove to the left to hide. He stopped dead in his tracks and whirled around. Sadly, he spotted me with another snowball in my hand. I grinned.

"Gotcha!" I yelled. He stooped and made a snowball before standing and turning to walk away.

I carefully sidled up next to him and nudged him with my arm. He had a smirk on his face as he put an arm around my shoulders. Then he smashed the wad of snow on the side of my head.

"Gotcha," he mocked, laughing. I hadn't seen him laugh in pubic since my first year when he couldn't help it. Ah, memories.

I wiped my face on his sleeve and shoved him lightly, smiling. We walked into the village and I told him I needed to do some shopping that he didn't want to help with.

"Why wouldn't I want to help?"

"Okay. You can hold my bag while I try on clothes and you can come with me to purchase tampons and pads and girly things like that."

"I'll meet you in the Three Broomsticks in an hour," he said quickly, hurrying away.

Now to do what I came here to do. Yes, I needed girl stuff, but I also needed to get him a Christmas gift. I went into a book shop and found the classic section.

What had he not read? I scanned through the aisles and searched each title until I came across something. A book of Shakespeare's sonnets!

I took it off the shelf and flipped through it. It was perfect!

I paid for it and left. I still had 45 minutes, so I went to find something else to do before I met him at the pub.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an... Adult store. I decided to take a peek inside.

Lingerie on racks and mannequins, toys and straps and chains on the walls, and other things people use when they're doing the do. That's what the store carried. Nice!

I browsed the racks and found some nice dark green panties and a black nighty that was see-through except for the chest area. It had dark green lace on the edges and looked like it would be nice for a warm night. I picked it up and kept browsing.

I picked up a riding crop, a pair of handcuffs, and some silk pjs before heading to the counter. There was a young man behind it.

"Will this be all for you?" He asked in a thick Scottish accent.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"So, any special plans this 'oliday? Got a guy yer spendin' the season with?"

"Yes, actually."

"Well, if it don' work out, you can find me 'ere. My name's Sammy." I cringed on the inside, but decided to be nice.

"Nice to meet you, Sammy, but I'm sorry to tell you that my guy and I are pretty serious." He had a sad look on his face as I paid and left. Fifteen more minutes.

I decided to head over to the pub and wait for Severus. With my bags in hand, I made my way through the snowy streets and entered the crowded pub, pushing my way to a dark area in a corner. I slid into the booth and ordered a butter beer.

"Comin' right up, sweetie," Rosmerta said with a wink. Soon after that, Severus came in. He scanned the room and spotted me sitting alone, so he made his way over. He was also carrying shopping bags.

"I raided the apothecary to restock my stores," he explained as he sat down, producing a new potions book from inside his robes. His eyes were shining with excitement.

"This was in the window. A new potion making guide, explaining more in-depth than ever, and telling what happens if you get each step wrong, and how to reverse it!" He opened it just as Madame Rosmerta came up with my butter beer.

"Oh, 'ello there professor! What can I get for you this cold day?"

"My usual, please," he said politely. She gave him a look.

"Should you really be drinking that in front of her?" She scolded him.

"Fine, fine. Butter beer." She nodded and walked away.

"What's your usual?" I asked curiously as he flipped through the book.

"Fire whiskey, and keep it coming until I fall face first on the floor." He looked ashamed.

"Sev, why do you poison yourself like that?"

"Why do you try to jump off of the astronomy tower or try to hurt yourself whenever you get the chance?" I fell silent. He was right. I had no right to judge his actions.

"I'm sorry," I said, a tear falling from my eye. Severus saw this and put his book to the side.

He put his hand under my chin and lifted it so I would look at him.

"Don't be, love," he said softly. "I shouldn't have brought it up." He put an arm around me and pulled me closer to himself. I sipped my butter beer and he began to drink his when Madam Rosmerta brought it to him. She winked at us and put a finger to her lips, signaling that our secret was safe with her.

After our small date, we walked back to the castle. It was colder and I didn't have on a coat. Just my cloak.

As I pulled it tighter around myself, I shivered and tried to ignore the fact that hypothermia was a possibility.

"Take my arm and bend your knees," Snape commanded. I did so, and we apparated to his quarters. He lit the fireplace and took his bags into his room. Using magic, I wrapped the presents I had bought for him and set them aside. I then conjured a tree and a box of ornaments. He came back and looked at me funny.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"It's Christmas Eve, Sev. We're going to decorate this tree and enjoy it." He spotted the gifts and rolled his eyes.

"Do I have to?"

"Do you ever want to get laid again?" He immediately picked up some ornaments and started helping.

I made a mental note that threatening to withhold sex worked.

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