Chapter 10

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Posey's POV

Since I was now determined to enjoy my final year at Hogwarts, mostly because Snape was demanding it now, I decided to try out for the Slytherin quidditch team.

"Why, though?!? You hate quidditch!" The twins exclaimed in unison.

"Guys, I'm probably not going to make it, but I may as well give it a shot. I mean, if I can't enjoy my final year here, what'll I tell my kids? 'You're going to Hogwarts, the place I have absolutely zero fond memories of. Have fun!'"

They nodded as we walked down a hallway. Then I remembered. "I'm on a free period, and you guys have potions, right?" They nodded. I whispered my plan to them, and they almost fell out laughing.

"So, you're an animagus? No way! And you think you can get away with this?"

"Oh, of course not. I may as well try to make good memories, though, right?" We stopped outside the door and they hid me while I turned into a cat. My clothing disappeared and it would return when I transformed back.

I purred and rubbed against the twins' legs. They pet me and I slipped inside with them. No one saw me, and I didn't make a sound. Snape came in dramatically and told the class to brew the potion on page sixty-nine. I swear, half the class giggled and the other half was confused. Then again, the half that laughed was made up mostly of muggle-borns like me. Heck, if cats could laugh, I would have been on the floor having a fit of laughter.

I crept silently along a wall, went under the twins' table at the front, and let out a soft meow. Snape's eyes shot around the room, completely missing the black kitten that was a few feet away from him.

"No talking," he barked. I crept up to his desk and meowed a little louder. He looked down and almost smiled at me. He didn't know it was me, of course.

"What's your name little one?" He asked softly. I meowed and rubbed his leg before hopping onto the desk and putting my head against his hand. The twins were trying to control their laughter. I purred at him as he pet me and scratched behind my ears.

"You look thirsty, little one." He conjured a bowl of milk, and I drank it happily. I was going to get all the laughs I could out of this situation.

I finished the milk and he took a quill to try and mark papers. I pawed at the feather and tried to get him to play with me. When he wouldn't, I hopped info his lap and curled up, pretending to take a nap.

He pet me as he worked, which felt pretty good, actually. His hands were surprisingly soft. He scratched my ears and the spot just above my tail, which, naturally, made me feel pretty damn good. My kitty butt shot in the air when he did that. Hey, it felt good! It was like he just came up and started giving my a massage on my lower back.

This went on for all of class, but when the bell sounded, all bets were off. I pretended to be frightened of the noise, and I leapt towards the ground, hiding at Fred and George's feet.

George picked me up and handed me back to Snape.

"Here's your cat back, sir," he said with a laugh. I hissed at him, but purred once Snape was holding me again. George tried to pet me, but I swiped at his hand. Snape chuckled.

"She knows a troublemaker when she sees one, it seems," he said. "You are dismissed, Mr. Weasley." The twins reluctantly left and as soon as the door was shut I jumped from Snape's arms and turned human midair.

"Hey, Sev! Thanks for the milk and the scratches," I said, smirking at the look on his face.

"What the bloody hell?!? Why were you a cat??"

"Forgot to tell you, sweetums. I'm an animagus, and I turn into a cute little kitty. Mrreow." He rolled his eyes.

"At least you didn't turn while the other students were around. Hang on... You can't talk as a cat. Why not sleep as a cat so you don't have the ability to do magic in your sleep?"

Holy crap. Seven years, and I'd never thought of that before??

I hugged him tight. "Sev, you may have just saved me!" He pat my head and I scampered off to go to my next class.

Later that day was tryouts. I grabbed a broom and was ready to go. No one was rude or anything, surprisingly. A few high-fived me, actually. The twins must have told them what I did in Snape's classroom.

I mounted my broom and was trying out out to be a beater. Fun! I grabbed a bat and hit every bludger that came at me, sending it soaring at another beater.

By the end of tryouts, I just wanted a shower and a nap, which is exactly what happened. I bathed in the Slytherin girl's shower and put some casual muggle clothes on before wandering around the dungeon area. I found my way to Snape's room, actually. I knocked and when he opened it I attacked him with hugs. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"And what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't stay away, you sexy beast," I joked. Well, half joked. "Can I sleep on your couch as a cat? Please? I don't want to risk the common room or the dorms."

"Of all the places in the castle a cat can sleep, you want to sleep on my sofa? Fine."

"Yaaaay!! Sleep-over with my bestie! We can gossip about boys, braid each other's hair, and eat raw cookie dough!" He laughed at my enthusiasm.

"I'm afraid the hair braiding and cookie dough eating aren't going to happen, and you don't even like to gossip about boys, so that would be useless."

"Then how about we just cuddle?" He looked at me curiously. Was he actually considering taking me up on that offer??

I secretly hoped so.

Unforgivable  (A Severus Snape Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن