Chapter 8

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Posey's POV

It took three days for me to get better. The Weasley family came to keep me sane, though. I also filled the hospital wing with the hoarse, cat like sound that was my singing voice. All the muggle songs I knew, and some I made up myself. Mine weren't as good as Carry On, My Wayward Son, but I still rocked it.

Snape came in the evenings and just sat in a chair, looking at me. Once, Professor Umbridge came in and tried to be all sweet. I pretended to be asleep.

Apparently, in my absence, she was trying to make all kinds of stupid rules, like no clubs, no groups of students consisting of more than three can walk down the hall together, boys and girls cannot be within eight inches of each other, etc,.

How come Dumbledore was allowing this? He had veto power! How can he allow all clubs to be disbanded? How can he sit by and watch the students be unable to properly socialise on Saturdays and Sundays in the corridors?

And the twins were taking it the worst! She banned all their products! They brought a bunch to me so I could hide it, but I told them that if we got caught, it would be bad for all three of us. Besides, Madame Pomfrey would take it away from me anyways.

As soon as I was released from the hospital wing, I headed to the dungeons to find Snape. I think it was a hallucination, but I had to make sure.

"Enter," he said when I knocked. I opened the door and headed straight for his desk.

"I have a question."


"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but you came to visit me in the hospital wing, didn't you?"


"So, why did you kiss my forehead and hold my hand when you thought no one was around?" He stared at me.

"You were awake for that?"

"Of course I was! How else would I know?" A slight blush was creeping onto his cheeks and I walked closer to him.

"I'm sorry," he said. I shook my head and bent down to kiss his cheek. He moved over, though, and caught my lips in his own. Well then.

I kissed back and put a hand to the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his raven hair. He pulled me closer and now I was practically sitting in his lap. He held my hips firmly and started kissing me harder. Then, he started kissing my jaw. His lips and teeth started trailing on my neck, and it felt strangely satisfying.

"Severus," I moaned as he bit down on my neck over and over. He didn't stop or slow down. "Severus," I said firmly, putting a hand on his chest.

He stopped and looked at me. Then his eyes widened and he tried to stand up. Guess he forgot that he was my chair. I fell to the floor and he tripped on my legs, falling on top of me.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, Miss Richter."

"Why are you apologising? Did you hear any protests?"

"You stopped me, though."

"I just wanted to see your eyes," I admitted, laughing a bit. He blushed and I put my arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss.

Snape's POV

How was it that she could so easily allow me to forget who I am? She was so intoxicating. I had to get to the bottom of why I was head over heels for her, but she kept popping up when I got close to an answer, and then I forgot what I was doing!

After our kiss on the floor, I sent her off to get some rest while I searched for answers. Her mother was a squib, so that was definitely a clue.

After hours of research in every book I could find, I finally had some answers. But... That was impossible! She was a Slytherin, so how could she be a descendant of...?

Dun dun duuuuuunnnn!! Sorry to leave you hanging like that, but I have some very big things planned for this story. Want to know the answer to the question of who Atropose really is? Well, then hold on to your hat and wait for the next update!

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