Chapter 7

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Snape's POV

I left her in the hospital wing and hurried away. How could she have this effect on me?!?

It was as if her very being was laced with Amortentia. But if that were true, everyone would love her. What was it, then, that made me suddenly attatched to her?

Could it be her eyes? Those deep blue orbs. Or could it be her personality? She was unique, I suppose. But what? What was it that drew me to her?

I pondered this question for hours until sunrise. She was a killer. And a powerful witch. A powerful killer. Voldemort will surely hear of her and come after her. He would try to obtain her into his ranks. I couldn't let that happen.

I didn't sleep that night, and I was exhausted. At breakfast, I drained two cups of coffee before heading into the dungeons for classes. I was too tired to deal with the first years, but I did anyway.

Posey's POV

People weren't as bad as usual, surprisingly. What was wrong with them?

Potions that day was bound to be awkward. I hated awkward moments. He knew about my past now, and knew I had a death wish, so he would be watching me like a hawk, but from a distance.

I walked into the classroom half an hour before I was supposed to, due to my free period happening and my watch being broken. Snape had his head on his desk and he was breathing slowly. Was he asleep?

I snuck up, picked up a piece of chalk, and drew something from the muggle world on his board. The big nosed cartoon man, Kilroy, from World War Two. Sure, it was mostly an American joke, but it's still quite humorous. I drew a line across the board a few inches from the top and drew the man's head and nose peeking over, with the words: Kilroy was Here written to the side. I stepped back and admired my handiwork.

I set the chalk down and cleaned my hands before looking around again

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I set the chalk down and cleaned my hands before looking around again. Snape looked so calm when he was sleeping.

I pulled up a chair next to his desk and sat next to him. He was facing me, but his hair was in his eyes.

Carefully, I brushed some away and smiled. He mumbled something in his sleep and then sighed.

I rested a hand on his cheek. Nothing happened for a moment, but then he stirred.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked groggily.

"I came early for class because I didn't know what time it was. You were asleep."

"So it would seem."

"Gosh, I didn't realize my life was that boring," I joked. He stood up and stretched.

Then he touched his cheek.

"Why were you touching my cheek?"

"You're kinda cute when you aren't yelling at me, and you're only not yelling at me when you're asleep." His face tinted with pink, and I giggled.

"Remember your detentions for this week?"

"You were serious about those?!?"

"Yes. And fifteen points from Slytherin." I stepped up and hugged him tightly.

"Can you not be a teacher right now?"

"I'm always a teacher."

"How about you take a break and be my friend?"



"Ten points and another detention."

"Five points from Snape."

"It doesn't work like that."

"It does now. I'm going to keep score."

"You realize that this isn't helping you make friends with your housemates?"

"Who needs them when I've got my best friend, Severus Snape?" He rolled his eyes and made me let go of him.

Wait. Oh, hell no!

"So, this is how it's gonna be? You save me from myself, learn all about me, kiss me, and now you won't even say we're friends? No wonder you're alone."

"I can't be your friend, Posey! It would be wrong!"

"So, it's wrong for me to like when you aren't yelling at me? It's wrong for you to have friends? I'm a freaking adult, Snape! You're a grown ass man, and you don't want to be friends with a seventeen year old witch, because it's wrong? Fine. Last night meant nothing to me, either. I kissed you because I hate you! You probably shouldn't have saved my life, and let me jump from the astronomy tower! Goodbye, and have a horrible day, you wretched old man!" I walked from the dungeon classroom and started walking to... somewhere.

The tower, maybe? Not to jump. Never in broad daylight. Just to think. There was no way I was going to Snape's class. Not until he apologizes, anyway.

I skipped his class for a week. I showed up for my detentions, but I didn't speak. I avoided him as long as possible. Then, I came down with the flu.

"Damn you, immune system!" I groaned that morning when I woke up. I was lying in a hospital bed already, so I just suffered in silence.

I was supposed to go to detention that night, but I couldn't move and my fever was doing weird things to my mind. Madam Pomfrey had neglected to owl a certain professor, though, meaning that he came storming into the hospital wing, demanding to know why I wasn't where I was told to be.

"Where is she?!?" He demanded. I laughed and looked at him.

"Why aren't you in detention, Miss Richter?"

"Nice to see you too, buddy," I cooed.

"Answer the question."

"I'm sick, sir. The flu," I answered. His look of anger faded to one of concern. He put his hand to my forehead. His hand was cold, but not clammy. Thank goodness.

I put my hand over his and smiled at him. He rubbed his thumb over a spot on my forehead and curled two of his fingers into my hair. Then the door opened.

Snape quickly took his hand away and looked around.

"Severus," Dumbledore greeted him. "Good to see you and Posey finally getting along." His eyes twinkled like he was shipping us or something.

"Hello, sir," Snape greeted him. "Yes, it seems we are."

"Severus, you know I cannot condone any student-teacher relationship, exactly, but once she gets to feeling better, why don't you take her to the third floor? The room of requirement is lovely this time of year."

What the devil was the room of requirement, and why did Dumbledore want Snape to take me there?!?

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