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Asher's pov
My eyes fluttered open and I hopped out of bed and made my way downstairs. There was no one up so I decided to trash the place for fun. I threw all the pans and the pots everywhere the couches ended up in the kitchen and the tv was on the floor. I heard a low growl and I froze in my tracks. All of a sudden I was a spun around. I couldn't make eye contact even if I wanted to. He grabbed my t shirt and dragged me all the way upstairs. He walked right over to peters room and told him to get up. He then dragged me back downstairs and into the living room. He shoved me into the corner and made me sit down "stay here until I say so" he ordered walking away. I pouted and sat there looking at the wall but I heard him cleaning up. About a minute later the door opened and everyone piled in. They looked around the house and then looked at me. "What happened in here" I heard Scott ask "Asher decided it would be fun to trash the house and wake us up." Daddy answered with clenched teeth. "That is not a good girl" I heard Stiles say as he pat my head. I grabbed his hand and twisted it almost to the point where it would break. "ASHER "I heard my head snapped to the spot where the voice was coming from. I saw red eyes and him storming over to me. I cowered into the wall as he got closer. He grabbed my hands and slapped them making my eyes water. He then squeezed my cheeks together. "You ever do that again and you will get more than a slap on the hands you got that." I nodded and he let go and walked away I just sat there taking my punishment and waiting for him to tell me that my time out was done. Twenty minutes went by before he finally spoke "your time out is finished go get your notebook and sit at the table." I ran up the stairs and right over to my notebooks. I grabbed them and ran back down the stairs and into the dining room and sat at the table. I went through the whole notebook before I got tired. But I wasn't done I went through it again making sure that everything was right. I finally closed the book and got up and went over to daddy "Puedo yo por favor hacer para el día y juego arriba en mi cuarto por favor" can I please be done for the day and play upstairs in my room please
he looked at me "sí se pueden poner sólo los portátiles lejos primero" yes you can just put your notebooks away first. I heard Stiles say something and daddy answered him. "I'm teaching her Spanish like my mom did to me it's part of my family's history I wanted to share it with her. He said as he gave me a head nod. I booked it up the stairs and into my room. When I got up there I went right over and dumped all my toys out and started to play. After a little while there was a knock at my door. I looked up and saw that Scott was standing there "hi Scott what can I do for you" I asked him starting to put my toys back. "I was wondering if you were ok if Mason and Britney stayed here for the night. Stiles is going to watch you I'm leaving with your dad in a few minutes" he asked I nodded excitedly and jumped up "yes, yes,yes,yes,yes,yes" I yelled out hugging him and then running downstairs looking for daddy. I jumped into his arms and hugged him "goodbye I love you daddy have fun with Scott" I said to him as I gave him a quick kiss. "I love you to behave for Stiles" he said but it sounded like an order. I mocked saluted him and ran off with four other feet running behind me and into the living room. Two hours past by and the house was in havoc things were all over the place. We were currently shooting rubber darts at Stiles who was planted underneath the kitchen table. He was terrified and it was hilarious. The door swung open traveling Lydia, Isaac and aunt Cora. I started shooting rubber darts at them until someone grabbed me and took away my gun. I looked up and Isaac was there "Izzy I was just having fun." "This may be fun for you but not for Stiles so I'm taking them away and your not getting them back until tomorrow." I stomped my foot and walked away sitting on the couch. I sat there and ripped apart the beautiful leather couch "ASHER" I stopped and suddenly I was picked up. "You are going to your room for the rest of the night." I heard auntie Cora say. I tried to squirm out of her grip but failed. She laid me on my bed and put my pjs on me or might I say she forced me to do it. Once I was all dressed she pulled the covers over me and walked out shutting the door behind me. I screamed and pushed on the door making sure that everyone heard me. Let me out I cried out letting the tears fall out I eventually started to feel tired. I slowly let my eyes close and I put my thumb in my mouth drifting into darkness.

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