Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"How do you not know you're cheating?"

"It started out as an innocent cup of tea, every once and a while. " Isaac replied quietly. Brielle's eyes went wide, he didn't have to say another word on who it was.

He had never thought of his morning meetings with Jenna as cheating, by definition it wasn't. It wasn't until the night he'd told Jenna that Isaac realized what he had been doing. When Isaac asked Nikki for the divorce he told her the truth; he wasn't emotionally or mentally in their marriage. As the truth came to light, it hit Isaac that his constant need and want to spend time with Jenna wasn't what any man in love with his wife would do.

Telling Nikki he wanted the divorce had shed some light right away. Before Isaac had finished telling her everything, she knew the reason for their divorce. She told him she'd never look down on him or Jenna for what happened. A person couldn't help who their heart decided it wanted. Isaac knew that Nikki would need time, she'd need space and eventually they could go back to being friends. Isaac had told her that he valued her friendship and didn't want to lose that.

"Does Jenna know you feel this way? Does she feel this way?" Brielle felt the questions flying out before she could get a grip on controlling them. "How does Nikki feel? What about Luke? He and Jenna have been..." she stopped short. Shrugging, she made a face depicting her guilt. "Well, they were hooking up, I don't know if they still are."

"Jenna knows, I'm not sure how she feels." Isaac answered with a calm manner. "She and Nikki have talked about it. As for Luke, he's letting me live with him for the time being. I don't know about him and Jenna; either way I want this divorce."

It was a bit odd admitting that his ex wife talked to the woman who had stolen his heart, but this was Nikki and Jenna. They were two of the most understanding women Isaac had ever met. A few days ago, Jenna had came by the house, she had all but got on her hands and knees begging Nikki for forgiveness. Isaac had still been living in the house, making his temporary bed in the guest room. When Jenna came in, she looked terrible with a tear stained face. She had told Nikki about Isaac's confession and how she thought them getting a divorce was a terrible idea. Along with that, Jenna had told Nikki about the flowers, explaining that she assumed they were from Luke.

The two women sat down over a cup of tea, leave it to Jenna and Nikki, and discussed the situation as though Isaac wasn't even there despite him standing less than two feet away. Nikki agreed a divorce wasn't what she had expected, but she wouldn't hold Isaac back from doing what he wanted with his life. Jenna cried more than anybody, she had felt guilty even though she had no reason to. Nikki assured her that if there was ever going to be anger, it would never come back on Jenna - it had no reason to.

"You could have come to Zac and I for help. You know we'll never put you out, you're our family. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know." Brielle replied. Isaac and Nikki, Jenna too, had been so helpful to her and Zac they could return a favour.

"With everything going on, we didn't want to draw in any more attention and you needed all the support you could get. You guys didn't need to worry about problems with us and our marriage. You needed to focus on getting things in order. I'm sorry." Isaac apologized. "I know you must think I'm an ass."

"I-I don't think I could think less of you. You guys have been absolutely amazing in our situation. I just hope you're all really happy." Brielle spoke softly.

"We will be." Isaac smiled.

"Good, then I am all for doing what is going to make you happiest. I wish you both luck." Brielle stood up, hugging her brother-in-law tightly. "I know you say you're doing this, because of Jenna, just be careful. Don't rush from one thing to another, give it time." she felt like she was lecturing a school child, but Brielle felt this needed to be said.

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