Chapter Forty One

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this sucks! say it, I know it! I have wrote it 4 times, frustrated I said screw it.


Holding a secret was hard enough for Zac, being asked to hold a secret as huge as his wife being pregnant was near torture. Every time he opened his mouth, it was the first thing threatening to topple out. It didn't matter who he was talking to, Zac had to monitor himself with everybody and it was driving him crazy. Three times in the last week he had almost told random strangers, six times he had almost let it slip to Jenna, and twice he had practically spilled the beans to his mother.

It shouldn't be so hard to do what your wife asked, then again Zac had never really did what either of his wives had asked. Having a big mouth and the inability to keep things to himself, was probably one of the reasons Kate decided she didn't want to stay. The same reasons were probably two qualities Brielle also hated. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Zac sighed. Only three hours until he could tell his parents. They had arranged to have lunch, Zac decided they would call Kathy while at lunch and tell his parents as well as Brielle's mother at the same time.

Brielle had reassured him several times that she too was dying to tell their friends and family, but wanted to keep it their own little secret for a while. Logically, Zac understood his wife's choice. They wanted to enjoy their news, allow it to properly set in, before they had to deal with everybody else and their excitement. Zac was baffled how Jenna had spent most of the last week at their house and didn't seem to notice anything was off. He credited her lack of interest to her issues with Isaac; Jenna had become so focused on trying to make things work that she didn't seem to notice anything else. For her sake, Zac hoped his older brother pulled his head out of his ass and soon.

Keeping the secret was easier to hide from the kids, they didn't seem to take much notice to anybody other than Zac. He had been away and they were more interested in competing for their father's attention. As far as they were concerned, Brielle just wasn't feeling well and they had to be respectful of that. Junia was really the only one inconvenienced, or so she thought, when Zac told her that Brielle still wasn't feeling well and would have to miss another riding lesson. Any fit Junia thought of throwing was quickly smoothed over when Caleb offered to drive and watch her at lessons. Throwing in a promise to take lots of photos for Brielle and an ice cream after, the little girl was sold.

In that moment Zac had realized how happy he was that Caleb and Luke actually knew. Neither of them had any experience in this, but they were people Zac could talk to and not have to worry about what came out of his mouth. A reason Zac had happily agreed to having dinner at Luke's that evening. The kids would be with Kate and there was no reason that Zac and Brielle needed to stay home. At first Brielle was hesitant to take the invitation, stating she wanted a quiet night. Insisting that dinner with a few friends wouldn't get that wild, Zac convinced his wife to change her mind.

Casting another glance at the clock, Zac groaned and took a drink of his coffee. Two hours and fifty three minutes remained until their lunch date, the day was going to take forever.

Upstairs, Brielle's morning was moving at a similar pace to her husband's, but for different reasons. Earlier she had felt Zac get out of bed, telling herself that it was time to get out of bed, Brielle laid quietly listening to Zac trudge down the hall and into the bathroom when the next thing she knew it was two hours later. Still in bed, she had tried everything to find the motivation she needed to start her day. If Brielle could sleep the day away, she would. Days like this were becoming a common thing, all Brielle wanted to do was rest.

On days where she found herself tired and worn out, just from waking up, Brielle felt as though she went through the day counting the hours until it was time for bed again. The last day she had like this, three days ago, she had convinced Zac to take a nap with her which turned out to be a horrible idea. No matter which way Brielle laid, she couldn't fall asleep with Zac in the bed. If she was having silly troubles this early in her pregnancy then Zac was screwed the further along she got.

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