Chapter 8

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"Lovely performance I must say, Charlotte. It was so touching." the lady said while clutching her heart, to create a dramatic effect. She also let out a breathy sigh just to complete the 'I almost cried' look. In reality, she was more interested in the food than in the play. Charlotte could bet that she didn't even get through the first half of the play without hogging at something and gossiping with her equally snobbish friends about other people's cars, clothes and unfaithful husbands, despite how good the play was. She could read such elite, good-for-nothing trophy wives with no substance, with exceptional flair.

But many people like true art lovers and theatre actors genuinely paid their compliments. The entire day had been exceptionally taxing, with her play's first performance for the London's elite and the success party right after. Charlotte was bone-crushingly tired but it was a welcome feeling because she felt super-productive and it took her mind off Lucas.

His words kept coming back to her. I can kill for you. Lucas had shown her his dark, possessive side in the past; and now this. Was it an implicit warning for Paul? What if he were to harm Paul just to prove his point? She pushed that unwelcome thought aside.

She had to tell Paul that Lucas had come back; for her. Knowing Paul, she knew he'd get furious. She had told him why she broke up with Lucas and remembered him calling Lucas an arse.'He's got bollocks for brains. Deserves a kick in the knackers, this Lucas' he had said.

Paul, with his back facing Charlotte, was here at the success party, having drinks with a couple of other actors; congratulating them for their performances. She looked over at him, thinking of a way to divulge the recent turn of events. 

As if sensing her gaze on him, Paul turned to see Charlotte scrutinising him with a crease on her brow. He gave her a questioning look. She didn't know how to respond. She saw him excuse himself and make his way towards her. Her heart leapt. She had to tell him now.


Her heartbeat was moving faster with every step Paul took towards her. Something told her that Paul already knew something was bothering her. Paul was possessive, not in a crazy way like Lucas, but he was a territorial person.

"Are you alright love?" said Paul, his voice gentle with an edge of wariness. He definitely knew something was up. She took a deep breath: "Something happened yesterday", she swallowed, "Lucas had come." She left the sentence incomplete, gauging his reaction. Something flickered in his eyes, she wasn't sure what it was.

"And?" His voice was guarded, giving nothing away.

"He said he had come to win me back" she said, tactfully leaving away the part about his warning. I can kill for you. She waited for his reply, braced herself for a flurry of expletives for Lucas; but none came. Paul said nothing. Instead, he was just staring at some unknown spot behind her.

"Paul look at me, say something. I know you're angry that he's here but.."

"He's here" he cut her off, his voice emotionless.

"I know honey, but I'm yours and you have nothing to worry about.."

"He's here" he repeated with intensity, now looking into her eyes. Realisation flicked in her eyes. No. He couldn't be. She turned around and sure enough, there he was; standing a few yards away dressed in a tux with a bouquet of lilies in his hands. He was walking towards her, his unwavering eyes set on Charlotte, like a leopard's eyes on a fidgeting rabbit.

"Good evening Lottie" he said taking her hand lying limply by her side and placing a too long kiss on the back of it. Instead of responding to Lucas she nervously looked over at Paul and his expression was not a pretty sight. He was looking daggers at Lucas. She sighed. This was going to be a long evening.

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