Chapter 24 Desperate Measures Require Desperate Actions

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Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 24 Desperate Measures Require Desperate Actions

The Queen & King were decidedly upset when they track down the originating location of the shipment of that ship up in Chicago IL. to say the least. They sent out a message to both offices telling everyone just where it came from; the middle east, Fao Peninsula. The loading dock was just offshore a massive rig which they were loading at night. It was all lit up with massive cranes to load all the cargo from one ship to the other, and from the shore to the awaiting ships.

This was no ordinary shipping organization it was totally planned out way in advanced. There were men there cutting holes in the cargo containers to let in air. There were ships coming and going loaded to the gills with food stuff. All for the well being of their precious cargo. Werewolves. Not just any werewolves the most vicious kind the ones we encountered back up in Illinois. Now that the real observation from the multiple satellites was back showing their organization we just have to take out the ships, the loading dock, and all the staging area. Then we can go ashore and try to find the hiding spot of their staging camp. Sounds simple on paper, but it is no laughing matter in reality this is a really huge operation.

It all sounded so easy till we contacted all the local countries around the area, not one would grant us permission to fly over their land or permission to land either; to take out this worldwide threat. For that matter we were not allowed to send in air to land missiles either; for fear of starting another world war. So here we are stuck taking a high speed boat to the cargo loading area in the dead of night. Not the best of plans though we did bring with us two heavenly manned and armored helicopters loaded with air to surface laser guided missiles; along with a few extra secret weapons.

First thing we did was to fly out to scout the area at high elevations a few quick flybys taking photos as we did so. There were dozens of ships all around the area some loading or unloading at the offshore loading dock, others were just waiting patiently by for their turn to pull in. Then there were three ships; large cargo containers loaded to the max, sailing in different directions out from the port, each heading in different directions, but all from the same loading dock. We decided the instant they hit international waters to take out all three ships with air to land rockets sinking all three of them. We circled the area for over two hours with our radar jammers working over time to hide us from their on board ships detection. It worked, the instant the three ships were out in international waters we dove down for the kill shot; it was bitter sweet. A direct hit first one then another and finally the last one blew up and down the the bottom of the sea bed floor; thousands of werewolf went down. So satisfying.

Then we headed to a neutral country and landed at the Dabolim airport on the coast of India and were taken to an awaiting super speed quadmarand boat it was something to see with it's wide flat deck and was so long with four inboard jet motors one for each lower section below water. This baby really flew through the water. It held all our gear all eight of us counting Samantha, Anton, Sister Emari, and four body guards we always take with us. Oh and myself Emmie. Giggle.

The ride in to that loading facility was long and hot we girls decided to sun ourselves up on deck for an hour or so to kill some time; giving in to the gods golden shining rays. Feeling refreshed Emari, Sam and I went below to clean up and dress back into our cameo gear we would need tonight to sneak up on deck of the offshore loading dock. We were within one mile of the dock before we found out our plan to motor up to the dock and sneak up was not going to work very well, when we could see the whole thing from a whole mile away; it was lit up like daylight.

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