Chapter 7 Ravenwood Is Under Attack

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Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 7 Ravenwood Is Under Attack

After the mission ins Kansas City, Ks. We figured we would have it easier for a while boy we ever wrong. That lasted for two days after we arrived back home to Ravenwood manor. In the middle of the night all hell broke loose at the estate; Ravenwood was under attack. The alarms sounded, and everyone was rousted from their peaceful slumber to the shriek of the alarms going off throughout the manor. There were guards running through the halls checking all the rooms locking the windows checking the doors making sure everything was secure. All the Enforcers were dressed and downstairs in the new office checking out the cameras to see what the disturbance was all about.

The outer wall was packed with hundreds of shining black eyes reflecting back their evil intent. The sound of gunfire and howling could be heard inside the manor with all the windows and doors closed, though it was secure inside the walled in compound at the present; there was no telling how long it would last. We all headed out to the hanger to pick up our gear then split up in different directions to assist the guards manning the walls where we saw the most invaders attempting to get into the compound.

Amalia Sorin and Sandu all went into invisibility mode, and each jumped down from the top of the wall from different sections where their mates were guarding so they could report back to them first hand. They infiltrated the group of werewolves all around the compound walls trying to asses the numbers of werewolves assembled there so they would know what they would need to do to keep them out of the compound and to drive them back and kill them off.

It was thirty minutes now that the three of them were wandering around in and amongst the werewolves. Amalia found the Alphas that seemed to be in charge of the group beyond the other side of the wall, they kept barking orders to everyone there. Amalia called out to Sorin and Sandu to meet her next to a big tree where these two Alphas were setup. “Sorin you and your brother take out the two Alphas in the tent I will take out the two guards in front of it guarding them, then we will all take out the runners. Then go back over the wall and report in.” Amalia instructed.

They all agreed as they flitted off in different directions still invisible to all the werewolves gathered around at the wall. Amalia was the first to kill the two guards bring them inside the tent startling the two Alphas, but before they could sound any kind of alarm their heads were sitting on the ground at their feet. Sorin and Sandu had cleanly sliced their heads right off with one quick slice of their swords. They piled all the bodies up behind a screen that held a map of the compound with intimate detail of the manor and all the corner laser guns and guard stations. It included window and door openings floor layouts and detail layouts of the first floor of Ravenwood manor. They ripped down the maps taking them with them.

On their way back to the compound wall they encountered several runners killing them and hiding their bodies in the underbrush so as to not be easily found. They managed to make it back over the wall and called a brief meeting.

“We killed the two Alphas that we found that appeared to be in charge, several guards and a couple of runners. These are the maps they had of our compound and the manor they are very detailed which can only mean one thing. That who ever drew these up has been inside the manor before as an invited guest” Sandu explained to all the Enforcer and guards that were standing around listening in all with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Looks like we have to cut out inviting outside guests to our parties from now on” Amalie exclaimed shaking her head sadly; she really loved having her parties. “We have to find out who that person was, flush them out” She said to the group.

“That is a matter for another time, Amalie, right now we have bigger problems to deal with mainly about two hundred angry werewolves trying to get in here to kill us.” Sorin said to Amalie “What are we going to do about them any ideas?” was the question put forth to the group.

“I have a few, but we will need a helicopter to accomplish it, Ceferina can you go in and have Viorel call for our Helicopter to land on the Helios pad on the roof and pick me and Emmie up in ten minutes that should give us time to gather up all our supplies we need and for all the guards to pull back from the walls” Emari stated to the group. “I am going to drop a series of cluster fire bombs and rain them down upon them right up against the wall then move out up to the edge of the forest edge then drop down one small final T3C8's into the forest to wipe them out once and for all.” Emari explained her idea to us, it was brilliant.

We went right to work holding back the attacking werewolves at the wall making them think were were loosing the battle to them. When we heard the Helicopter land on the rooftop. We all pulled back to the safety of the hanger waiting for the noise to begin, sure enough the helicopter flew over head and a few seconds later the screams were heard first only a few then it grew louder. Then the big bang and all went quiet, after that then more screams from a different direction then another loud bang and quiet again. It happened two more times then it was over. No more noise it was dead silence. All you could hear was the rotors of the helicopter beating at the air. It landed next to the hanger and everyone climbed out, Emmie and Emari came running over with huge smiles on their faces.

“You should have seen it, wow, it was awesome we scattered them like ants! They went running for the treeline then wham we blew up the treeline and it went up in a ball of flames. It was awesome you should have seen it.” Emari was so excited telling the story. Emmie was quietly listening in just nodding her head.

“Did you get them all?” was all Amalia asked

“I think we got the majority of them. I didn't see any movement after we circled the compound three times” Emmie stated.

“Good OK. Everyone outside to the walls let's get started on the cleanup, tag um and burn um let's hustle.” Sandu shouted to everyone guards included.

For the next two day they spent outside the walls cleaning up the mess of body parts here and there hanging in trees blown everywhere. In the end they had several big bond fires to get rid of all the debris from the invasion.

The manor was back to normal once again with a quick paint job to the outer walls it was like new. They had to place a call into Xandria over in Germany to come check out the security she had installed and to possible beef it up a little, expand it out further from the walls out into the forest beyond. There was evidence or a couple of werewolves that did escape the firebombing, tracks leading away from the forest that disappeared at vehicles tracks. Four in all, but they were not from up close like they were watching everything from a distance and saw the attack from us coming and made a B line for the vehicle and hightailed it out of there.

We may not have killed the head people in this raid after all. We will never really know through. Xandria flew in the next day and after two days work and several spells later she had us an all new security system set up all around the compound which included the air space and also below ground so no one could tunnel under the walls either. It is like the whole of Ravenwood manor is circled within a bubble of protection now. With only those who have the right authority can enter or leave that includes aircraft.

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