Chapter 3 A New Era Begins

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Luvlylady1018 Run for cover go to your friends house. Hide there.MOM

Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 3 A New Era Begins

“Amalia and Sandu please report to the office” Viorel called out over the manors new intercom system that only calls out in the room where the person is located in the manor so as to not disturb others throughout the manor.

Sandu met up with Amalia as he is about to reach the top of the stairs, heading down he reaches for her hand sending a shock through her system. “Oh my you keep doing that to me, it must be the carpets those darn shocks” she said to him as they headed down the stairs Sandu reached for her hand again, but she pulled it away quickly before he could reach it.

They entered the office, Viorel handed them each a digital reader with their first mission on it; again a new feature that has just been implemented into their reporting, doing away with the old slow fax machines. These are satellite driven direct linkups from the reporting offices throughout the world. They feed down to their main computers, to each of the two offices, then to the correct member of the team.

Their first mission was to the south in Sunny Florida to help one of their own. The digital reader read:

Downlink # 000100010001

Reporting Agent # US 10000001

Location: Melbourne, Florida, ½ mile off shore in a walled in island Indian River

Complainant: LadyDawn The Writer Story teller to the Queen and King.

Problem: Walled in encampment surrounded by angry werewolves trying to get it.

Additional: Three dead by dock, Need assistance ASAP!

End of Downlink # 000100010001

They had to go help the lady who was writing their parents biography and life history of fighting events. They had met her many times in the past she had been around the manor hundreds of times before. A nice older lady with red hair and a cute service dog. “Sandu why don't you call the rest of the group down to the sitting room so we can have a little meeting. Viorel would you alert the pilot we will be leaving in about one hour please” Amalia instructed she turned leaving carrying her digital reader with her as she left. “Sandu do we have everything packed on the jet already? Or do we still need to pack up? I told Viorel to have our pilot ready to leave in one hour”

“Most all the packs are ready, there is just the emergency gear to pack on the plane that came in last week. I will be sure it gets on the plane before we leave” Sandu replied to Amalia. They headed into the sitting room where everyone else had gathered waiting on them to meet. Walking into the sitting room the room grew quiet everyone anticipated they were going out on a mission but had no idea where to.

“We have our first mission right here and you will never guess who we have to go help out!” Amalia said to the overly quiet group.

“So lets hear it sis you are killing us with all this suspense” Ceferina nearly jumped up to grab the reader out of her sisters hand.

“Chill little sister I am getting to it, We are heading to Florida to help out that lady that is always hanging around here. Do you remember her that human writer with the red hair? LadyDawn the writer the one that is doing mom and dad's biography and all the fighting they did. Her, we are headed to her compound in Florida to help her out. Amalia explained to the group. “She is surrounded by a band of werewolves trying to break into her compound to kill her off. They know she is the one writing the book about us and our kind and wants her dead”

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