30: Endless Love (Part 2)

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"Yeah..." She whispered, swiping at her tears herself.

"Why are you crying, Kate? This is good news, right?"

"G-good news?"

"Yes! Of course! We're gonna have a baby!" He almost yelled, his excitement taking over him, "Are you-do you not want this?" He calmed himself down.

"No, no. I want this, I really want this. I was-I was just scared of what you would think."

"We talked about this, remember? Do you know how excited I was when you said that you wanted to have a baby? Extremely. I want this more than anything, Kate. I want a family with you." He reassured. His face turned sad when he saw her tears resume. He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, but she spoke before he could.

"They're happy tears, I promise," She laughed, reaching out to grab Rick's hand to place it on her stomach, "That's our baby in there." She smiled brightly, illuminating both his and her world. He couldn't contain himself. He picked her up and spun her around in his arms, smiling from ear to ear at the joyous squeal that came from her.

When he set her down they kissed softly and lovingly. Both Kate and Rick were going to get the happy life that each of them deserved.

"How are we going to tell everyone?" Castle furrowed his brow.

"Well, we don't have to tell them right away. I kind of like the secrecy. You know, having something that is solely ours. Mine and yours." Kate grinned.

"You're right. You're always right," He paused, "But what about work? You shouldn't be working while you're pregnant. What if you or the baby gets hurt?"

"I don't know. I can't take a nine month leave of absence."

"No, but what you can do is take desk duty. You can still interrogate suspects and help on cases, just, not go out into the field. Which I know is your favorite part." He frowned. He was determined though, they would take on each struggle together.

"I guess I could do that. But how would I explain it to Gates? She won't exactly do this willingly, she'll want answers as to why one of her best detectives is requesting desk duty."

"Oh don't be so humble, you are her best detective." He smirked.

"Haha. That doesn't answer my question though. What do I tell her?"

"You have work tomorrow right?"

"It's the same schedule it's been for the last seven years now, Castle." She mumbled.

"Ok miss sassy pants, how about we tell our family and friends first and then tell Gates."

"Yeah, but how long are we going to wait? We agreed that we don't want to put the baby in harm's way."

"How about we tell her next week and everyone else this week. And when it comes to chasing down suspects we leave it to the boys. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good."


Today was the day that they were going to tell Lanie and the boys as well as Kate's dad and Rick's mother and daughter. They agreed that Castle would tell the boys and Kate would tell Lanie.

As Kate rode the elevator down to the morgue she was picking on this skin around her nail. What would Lanie think? Would she think it was too soon? Kate shook her head. She should probably make a session with Burke to talk about her anxiety through this whole process. As the doors opened she followed the voice of Lanie. She was singing to herself.

"Lane?" Kate asked, not wanting to startle her. Although it didn't work out that way, Lanie jumped, causing Kate to jump.

"Girl," Lanie reprimanded, "don't sneak up on me like that!"

Caskett: Never Ending LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora