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Yup...this was created by Thatoneyouleftbehind,you guys should go check her out

1. Tag 3 people
2. Can tag back but with different questions
3. ThatOneYouLeftBehind is a tiny wattpadder, so you have to complete the tag, and I am just going to say that this rule carries through to the next tagger whether you are small (figuratively) or not😁

-Worst dad joke
    -Idk, there isn't one in particular that strikes me as the worst, they are all bad in their own way

-One thing you love about Wattpad
    -The community

-One thing you hate about Wattpad
    -How certain authors get paid with ads and others don't and how they are chosen (from what I got...random and popular people get paid)

-Favorite Food
    -There are so many, but I love French Silk Pie

-If you were stuck on an island with three things, what would they be
    -salads (you can make anything a salad), phone with working everything (so somehow connection so I can get off the island when I want), and drawing kit (it is one thing, just with other things in it)

-How many years or months have you been on Wattpad
    -Somehow I've been on for almost 2 1/2 years (wow, technically, its 2 years four months but I round)


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