Hi Again!

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  Once again, welcome to my art book! I am so thankful for the support on my first book and I am excited to see where my second book leads!  So, in case you would like to know, I am starting another book, not because I reached 200 chapters, sadly, no.  I am starting another book because I felt like I have improved greatly, plus I have started high school, so it's kind of like a fresh slate.  Hope you guys are as excited as I am!!!

  You guys should know basic rules by now.  But, I also saw in another art book a good rule of thumb.  Don't downgrade your own art on here please! I have worked really hard to get to this level, and if you don't think your art is good enough...stop thinking that way.  I've drawn a lot and it takes patience, plus it does take time to appreciate your art.  I've learned that the hard way.
  Also, don't steal, ask permission by pm.  And I will have a separate chapter for requests to make whether or not they are open, clearer.  So, yeah, if you are new and didnt happen to see my last book, this first part is from September 2016 to now (January 2017) because I got behind.

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