twenty one

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RECAP: so Jonny and Alex are finally dating yay!! and they just had the winter classic


A few days later we were back in Chicago. The Blackhawks had lost to the Capitals in the Winter Classic 3-2, and although Jonny was upset I could tell he still had a good time playing outdoors.

After dinner that night, Jon and I decided to watch a movie. "What do you want to watch?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know, you know I'm not good at making decisions like these," I sat down on the couch next to him. "How about Spider-man?" Ever since we were kids, Jon and I loved the Spider-man movies. We would always watch them whenever we were hanging out.

"We haven't seen Spider-man in a really long time," Jon said with realization as he put the movie in and joined me back on the couch.

We cuddled up next to each other and watched the movie, making occasional comments to each other. The good thing about dating Jonathan was that we were already so comfortable with each other. I already knew everything about him and vice versa, so our relationship was still in that honeymoon phase without us being strangers. Another added bonus is that we live together so we don't have to plan around our schedules if we want to see each other because each night we end up in the same apartment. It's perfect.

"You're not watching the movie," Jon whispered to me without taking his eyes off the screen.

I shook myself out of my little daydream and tore my eyes away from Jon's face. "Sorry, I got distracted."

I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye. I ignored it and leaned in closer to him. We watched the rest of the movie in silence and when it ended, I started to yawn.

"Was it that boring?" Jonathan teased.

I shook my head. "No I'm just tired from all our late nights," I gave him a pointed look. The past few nights that we had returned home, Jonathan and I would stay up late talking in my room about anything and everything. I loved it, but I was exhausted.

"It's not my fault I want to be around you all the time," he pouted and hugged me to his chest.

"Aww isn't that sweet," I reached up and pinched his cheek. "If I didn't have to get up early every day I would be fine with it. And you have to get more sleep, the team needs you."

"Psh, I get enough sleep. And even when I don't, it doesn't even bother me that much."

"That may be the case for now, but soon you're going to end up sleeping in and missing practice because you're so tired," I pointed out.

Jon let out a sigh. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He leaned down and gave me a long kiss. "God, I love you," he mumbled.

I could feel my cheeks heating up. I didn't quite want to say it back yet, because although I liked Jonathan a lot (obviously), I had only said 'I love you' to him as best friends. I didn't want to say it in the other way until I was absolutely sure.

I guess he could feel my mood shift because Jon pulled away. "Everything alright?" He wondered, concerned.

I nodded. "It's just, I don't know- I don't think that- I just-"

Jonathan cut off my embarrassing stuttering by saying, "Don't feel pressured into saying you love me back right away. I've been thinking about this for over 10 years now, whereas you've only known you liked me for a couple months," he said as he rubbed my back lightly. "I understand where you're coming from, and don't say it unless you're sure, okay?"

I nodded again and leaned in another time. We kissed for a bit until we decided to watch a little more TV. It was a Friday night so we didn't have to wake up early tomorrow, thank God. We settled on watching a couple reruns of Friends for a little bit.

Halfway through the first episode, I looked next to me and noticed Jon was asleep. I chuckled to myself and turned the TV off. I snuggled up beside him and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep myself.

The next morning, I woke up to the winter sunlight streaming in from the windows. I sat up and rubbed my neck, which was a little stiff from sleeping on the couch all night. I glanced next to me and noticed Jon was still asleep. I admired his features for a few moments before standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I began making breakfast for the two of us. I grabbed some eggs and vegetables out of the fridge and began to make omelettes. I put some soft music on while I cooked and hummed along. I cut up some fruit and snacked on it while the eggs cooked.

I was startled when a pair of arms wrapped around me out of nowhere, but instantly relaxed when I realized it was Jonathan. "Morning dear," he mumbled against my neck. "Whatcha cooking?"

"Omelettes and there's some fruit on the counter," I replied, a smile spreading across my face.

Jon hummed along to the song playing and began swaying back and forth with me still in his arms. I let out a small laugh and said, "Someone's in a good mood this morning."

"Of course I am, I get to be with my favorite girl," he said back.

My cheeks heated up but I tried to play it off. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness and took the pan off the stove. I stepped out of Jon's arms and put the eggs and fruit on the table.

We sat next to each other and began to eat. "Do you have practice today?" I asked him.

He nodded as he swallowed his food. "Yeah, for an hour. Then I'm going to the gym to do some cardio. Want to come with?"

I shrugged. "Sure, just text me when you're done with practice and I'll meet you there. Just don't expect me to keep up with you," I warned him with a laugh.

"Alex please, we both know you were always the better runner," he replied back.

"Yeah, I used to be. My cross country days are over," I raised my eyebrows. "But, it's time for me to get back in shape, so what the hell? I'll do some cardio."

- - -

oof cardio, bad choice
running is hard

anywayssss yes i'm back after like 5 months of inactivity😬😬😬
i'm so sorry about that!! i'm not going to be updating as much as i used to bc i don't go on this account very much anymore but thank you all for reading this story it means so much to me!

lowkey want to write another kaner one or a johnny gaudreau story but idk.... which one should i do? (if i decide to write one)

anyways thanks so much for sticking with me (if anyone even reads this story anymore) lol you guys are the best!!

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