Chapter 20

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"Where are you going?" Derek whispered as Kathryn started to back away from Boyd.

"Following a feeling" Kathryn replied, walking out, just in time to avoid the mountain ash being sealed. She ran as fast as her ability would take her, stopping at a cupboard door. The light was blocked and it stunk of chemicals. Only two people could be smart enough to hide, two people that Kathryn knew. And Lydia was sure as hell not out here.

"Allison?" Kathryn said, trying to keep her voice down. They could both hear the fighting going on not far from them, Kathryn's fire slowly burning, her eyes a bright red. 

Allison slowly opened the door, her eyes wide at the thing standing in front of her. It was Kathryn, engulfed in flames.

Kathryn didn't wait for Allison, she began running back to Scott and Derek, wanting to help. She ran straight into the mountain ash barrier, flying back to the floor below them and skidding as her ankles cracked.

Kathryn let out a muffled scream as something covered her mouth, someone. And she was dragged away.

Derek and Scott jumped out the room as Allison broke the seal.

Derek started screaming at Allison, but Scott picked up on the deafening silence below them. 

"Guys" Scott warned, the pair looking at the blood covered wolf.

"Where's Kathryn..."

It felt almost as if she had went blind. Not a single shred of light was leaking into the room she had been in for what felt like hours, tied to a chair. There was a slight dripping coming from the ceiling above her. What she assumed was water dripped onto her soldier, weaving it's way through her cuts and grazes.

A light flickered on in a sudden, revealing a pack before Kathryn. Her grimace didn't falter as she stared them down.

"Who the hell are you?" Kathryn grumbled.

"Deucalion" Spoke a British accent, twins stood behind him and a woman in desperate need of a pedicure.

"Why am I here" Kathryn grumbled. Deucalion folded up his stick, crouching down in front of Kathryn as she glared at him, flashing her red eyes.

"Look at you, a faerie" Deucalion chuckled, taking out his claws, but Kathryn didn't focus on that, she focused on his glasses. She could tell he was blind, but it was like he could see her anyway. She tried to inch towards him, but remained stiff. She snapped her head up to the leak above her, not coming from the ceiling but a small plastic bag filled with kanima venom.

"You heal don't you? Like a werewolf but slower" Deucalion laughed a little more, putting his fingers below her chin and raising her head as she glared harder, unsure what to do.

"Lets see how long it takes your pretty little face to get over a bit of damage" Deucalion stood back up, the twins walking forward as Kathryn held her breath, the twins Lydia had been drooling all over.


The air was still, Kathryn couldn't hear anything but her own breathing. The leaves crunched beneath her feet but she was oblivious to it, she didn't know where she was. Nothing in her brain was functioning, probably due to the immense amount of violence she'd been subjected to. It had led to hallucinations.

She only found herself shouting one word, calling out to one person and one person only.


She heard it as a yell, but it was more of a whisper. Bruises weren't disappearing, cuts on her neck and face still bleeding and dripping onto the leaves below her.

Blood stained her path.

Her top was cut open, torn to shreds barely covering her. Her hair was static and her nails black, she'd been electrocuted. Claw marks all down her legs and a hole in her side as she limped on.

"Mommy!" She shouted with full force. All she felt was overwhelming, blinding pain.


Stiles stared at the body of his childhood friend, Heather, looking over the marks that killed her. He thought of her as she was when she was younger, when their moms would have dinner and Heather would climb trees and Stiles would fall out of them. Every time.

But a thought came to mind.



"Stiles!" Melissa shouted. Sheriff Stilinski talking to nurses behind her, looking sad. That immediately worried Stiles.

"What? Is there someone else?" Stiles asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Yeah, it's Kathryn. She's missing"

At those words Stiles' world began to spin, how could Kathryn be missing? She certainly wasn't a virgin. Someone had taken her, but who?

Was it the alpha pack?

"No, she can't be" Stiles shook his head, feeling light headed. Everything moved in slow motion, he couldn't imagine her dead. Her head bashed in as she was coated in blood, strangled.

He couldn't imagine Kathryn Hamilton dead.


Isaac walked home, he liked the still air of the night, the way the sun rose. There wasn't much point in him sleeping but after everything that had went down, he needed every minute he could get.

Leaves crunched behind him, he looked to see someone limping, mumbling to themselves as they were covered in their blood.

"I just can't catch a break" He said to himself, walking closer to the figure. She heard him approaching, snapping her head up to face him. His face softened as he began to run closer.


She nodded, looking at him with fear as she began to cry.

"They hurt me Isaac, they tied me up and they shocked me and they-they h-h-urt me" She began to sob. Isaac never saw this side of Kathryn before. It was vulnerable. It wasn't Kathryn.

"Shh shh its okay" Isaac put his arm under her legs, scooping her up and jogging. She was light, a little too light. But that was to be expected from someone who suffered through what she did, all the pressure she went through and the rehab.

"No it's not it's not okay, Isaac. It's not" She sobbed, feeling the wind against her face as Isaac picked up his speed, skidding to a halt outside of the Hale loft, where everyone so happened to be. The Jeep, bike and camaro all outside as they put Boyd and Cora to bed, resting them after such a night.

Isaac ran in, pounding on the loft door, alerting the people inside. Stiles and Scott's heads snapped up as the pounding continued.

"DEREK" Screamed Isaac, the trio all ran to the door, sliding it open to reveal Isaac, holding a bloodied and beaten Kathryn.

Stiles was relieved Kathryn was found, but she looked dead.

"Lay her down! LAY HER DOWN!" Derek shouted. Something burned in Kathryn, she could no longer protect herself from the fire in her, not when she was this weak.

Kathryn writhed in pain as she was set on a table, screaming as her eyes flashed a dark red, darker than ever before.

"What's happening to her?" Stiles asked, helping Scott pin her down, but she sat up, screaming. Scott went back to hold her down, but her skin burnt him, he winced pulling back his blistered hand as it began to heal.

Her scream finished, her skin cooled down and she fell back onto the table, letting the pain subside slightly as she healed a little faster. Stiles stared at her with tears in his eyes, Derek wiping hair from her face.

And then the darkness set in on here, leaving her in complete and utter silence.

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