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Me actually updating stuff
What a concept

Chapter 14

Came Monday and school was again, Carl and Pandora up and fixing breakfast for everyone. "Carl stop eating the chocolate chips! They're for the pancakes!" Pandora said, smacking his hand away from the small bag of chocolates. He pouted softly and she looked at him. "Make scramble eggs and I'll let you eat what I don't use." He smiled and grabbed the eggs, milk, and pan. "Hey Fi." Fiona walked downstairs and saw the two teenagers in the kitchen. "Hey guys" she said, looking at the ingredients. "I woke up early and went to my friend's store, he gave me some stuff for breakfast."

Fiona nodded and grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate it was sitting on. "Tell him we said thanks. I'll make lunches." She smiled and grabbed the paper bags and sandwich supplies. The rest of the Gallaghers came down stairs smelling breakfast, each trying to get their fair share. Pandora finished and grabbed a plate for herself, putting the used pots and pans in the sink to clean later. Carl smiled at Pandora and grabbed her hand, planting a small kiss on her hand. Pandora smiled softly and ate some bacon, happy to be with Carl again.

"C'mon time for school!" Fiona said, giving each of the kids lunch. "Thanks." They said, grabbing their bags and leaving.

{at school}

Carl was with Pandora at her locker, listening to her and Debbie talking. "Here comes Hollie." She said, seeing the blonde haired girl walking with her posse. "Well well well. You went back to this whore Carl?" Pandora rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You're one to talk Holly." Pandora said, turning to face the taller girl. "What the hell did you just say?" Holly said, getting closer to the girl. "Let me repeat myself." Pandora smirked and punched the girl straight in the face, watching her yelp and grab her nose in pain. "I think you broke my nose!"

Pandora smiled and moved out of the way as one of her friends tried to hit her. "You want some too!" Pandora said, swinging at the girl. Soon enough a teacher came and grabbed Pandora. "A fight? Really? Principal's office now!" Pandora smiled big and grabbed her bag, giving Carl a kiss. She pulled away and flipped Holly off, hearing the teacher yell again.

Ok so
I forgot this book existed for a while (':
I'll be at camp for a week and I'll try to update if I can

No promises though

Goodbye 💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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