Chapter 8

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•October 1st, 1988•
"You are so cute, you know that right? Imagine how good we'd be together." I looked at David as I felt my cheeks heat up in discomfort. He grabbed me by the hands from across a wooden table. I looked around, I was at a park. "I can just stare at you all day and rant about how beautiful you are." A faint smile appeared on my face.

"Yo, shut the fuck up." I looked to my left to see Marshall sitting next to me with his arm wrapped around my torso. My smile dropped. "Yo, I did a dope trick huh? Wanna see me do it again?" His head nodded into the direction of where David was sitting. I looked over and he was gone. "What the fu-" I turned back to Marshall and was gone too.
"Yo D, wake up." I opened my eyes and Sheronda was all up in my face. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and looked to my left. Damion is still sleep? I'm going to make a doctors appointment because he sleeps too damn much. I'm getting worried. "10:24."

I crossed my legs as Ronda sat on my bed and faced me. "So what's poppin' boo?" She sighed. Uh-oh, what happened this time? "What's wrong babes?" She shook her head. "Tomorrow is DeShaun's birthday and I don't know what do get him because he's such a picky ass dickhead."

To be honest, I didn't know what do get him either. I might just make a cake, and throw a surprise birthday party. Oh! I have the perfect idea for a birthday present. "You gotta keep DeShaun away from the House all day... matter of fact, force him to spend the night." I jumped from out of my bed and started gathering my art supplies without waking Damion up. Sheronda stood up with me. "What you doin'?" I shook my head fast. "Nothin' can you just pass me that box of paints and the cup full of brushes over there please?" She walked over to my desk and handed the stuff over to me.

"Yo seriously, what you doin'?" I shook my head again. I don't want her to know what I'm doing because I know she's going to tell DeShaun. "Just keep him busy 'aight?" She nodded her head and walked out of my room. I looked back to see if Damion is up, his eyes are squinted and he's moving around a lot. He's going to wake up any second now.

"Mmmmm ga!" He's awake. I put my supplies on the bed and grabbed Damion and flew him around while making airplane noises. He laughed so hard. I love to see my little man happy. "Are you hungry little man?" Spit bubbles started to form in his mouth. "I'm taking that as a yes." I walked to the kitchen and sat him in his high chair.

I reached into the top cabinet and struggled to get his favorite cereal. When I finally got the fucking cereal, the phone started to ring. I poured the cereal in the tray that's attached to the chair and walked over to the phone. "Hello?" I said in a sweet tone. I always pick up the phone like that. So does my mom and my grandma. I guess it's a mother thing.

"Yo, uh, this is Marshall." I changed my sweet voice to my regular voice. "Oh wassup Marshall?" He started chuckling. "D? I don't even know that was you! You sound so different." I heard something fall and Damion started yelling. I turned around to see the gray AND the cereal on the floor. How did that even happen? "Hold on real quick." I sighed while rubbing the bridge of my nose.

I left the phone hanging and walked over to his chair. When he saw me, he put his fingers in his mouth and started laughing. "Oh, you think that's funny?" I put on my baby voice. I took him out of the chair and put him on the floor to let him crawl around. I attached the tray back on the chair and picked up the cereal and put it in the trash.

I heard talking coming from the phone. Shit... Marshall. I jogged back over to the phone and picked it up. "I'm sorry M, Damion spilled all of his cereal over the floor." I walked up to the living room table. Thank god that we have a phone with a spiral cord. So now u don't have to stand in the kitchen the whole time. "Oh it's coo' I don't got nothin' to today, is Proof there?" I really love his voice. I started twirling the cord around my finger. "Nah, I told his girlfriend to keep him as far away from the house as possible." That just reminded me, I need help with a few things. "Which reminds me, can you come over and help me with a few things for tomorrow?" It's started getting kinda loud on his side of the line. "Yeah, I'll be over in 5." I nodded. "Bet?" I heard a scratching noise coming from his side. "Bet." He sounded muffled, but I hung up the phone.

I got up from my seat and layed on the floor next to Damion while he was playing with his toys. He stopped playing and crawled onto me. I picked him up in one swift move. I brought him down close to my face and smothered him with kisses. He put his fingers hind his mouth and started laughing.

A few minutes passed and I heard a couple of knocks on the door. I got up and picked up Damion and had him sitting on my right hip. I walked to the door and opened it to be face-to-face with Marshall. He gave me a hug on my right side where my hand was free. I moved to the side so he can come in. "So, whatchu' need help with?" He plopped on the couch. I sat right next to him and put Damion on my lap. "I need help with a few things for Deshaun's party." He nodded. "Whatchu' want me to do?" He put his hand under his head. "Well first I wantchu' to help me watch Damion and paint."

He raised his left eyebrow. "You can rap, make beats, act, AND paint? Yo, you're the whole package, D." He stretched his hands out towards Damion. Damion looked at Marshall and started giggling while making spit bubbles and crawled on the couch, onto his lap, and layed his head on Marshall's chest. I shrugged. "I guess s-"

Next thing you know, half eaten cereal is all over Marshall's black shirt. There was an awkward silence. I couldn't say anything. I was in shock. Baby giggles filled the silence I looked at Damion and he was reaching out for me. I picked him up and placed him on my left hip. "I think DeShaun has some clothes in his room, I'll go get them for you." I heard a faint thanks come from the living room.

I walked into DeShaun's room and found a white shirt. I tried to cleaned up Damion, but he hates to be changed. He keeps kicking! All I have to do is clamp his onesie together and I'll leave him alone. "Look we're gonna have to do this the easy way or the hard way." He just kept on kicking. I sighed I'm frustration. "I guess we're have to do it the hard way."

After 5 minutes of kicking and whining, I FINALLY got his clothes on. I picked him up, got the white shirt off the bed. "Think fast." I threw it to Marshall while I walked into the living room. "So, do you wanna get started?" He took the nasty black shirt off and threw on the clean white one and got up from the couch with the shirt in his hand, not knowing what to do with it. "I'll take it. Here." I handed Damion over to him and I took the shirt and threw it in the dirty clothes hamper.

"Let's go, follow me." I led him through the house to the ally that's behind my house. There is a big wood-like canvas next to my art supplies and Damion's car seat. "Okay, you can sit him in that seat and we can get started." Marshall put him in the seat and grabbed a paintbrush. "What are we paintin'?" I dipped the brush in the paint and let my hand flow freely over the canvas.

"Big Daddy Kane. It's DeShaun's favorite rapper." He nodded and we got down to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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