To Erase Our Past - Chapter 7

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"I thought you said you were gonna be right with us, Yuna." Nasir said. "It's a good thing we ran into General Sarashi on the way out."

"The Das Morgenrot is docked close by." Judal said. "The General's gonna be taking over now, so we'd better leave as soon as possible. People already know there are outsiders causing trouble in the library, and they're approaching fast."

Yuna didn't move. She was looking at Mika with a confused expression, like a lot of things were going through her head at the same time. The older woman didn't look back at her daughter, though, but instead kept her fierce gaze and her aim fixed on Rash.

The redhead was frightened to the bone. The tides had turned from one moment to another; it was so unfair. Now she was horribly outnumbered, and if she made a move, she would undoubtedly get shot. Was this the end? Had she... failed? Frustration and defeat filled her soul, as well as tons of anguish. She was at a loss. What to do now? What to even feel now?

After a few moments, Yuna seemed to make up her mind. Getting up as best as she could and picking up her waistbag, she limped over to her group. Nasir quickly moved in to help her walk, while Judal started murmuring an incantation that slowly began closing the wound on her side.

"Tch, fine." She spat. "Do you guys have the files, at least?"

"They're safe, man." The prince responded. "General, what do we do with the intruder?"

Mika didn't answer right away. Instead, she addressed the fugitive directly.

"You must be Leela."

The shiver that shot through the redhead's spine felt like it would stick forever. Leela? Was that... her real name? The name that bound her past to Nexia? The last secret she was so desperately escaping from...

"The resemblance is striking. You look just like your mother."

Rash did not reply. She was too scared and dumbfounded to even talk.

"You have no idea how much I want to shoot you in the face, kid...but, unfortunately, I can't afford to do that at the moment. For your involvement in Lib's shenanigans, we're taking you as a prisoner. Riku will decide what to do with you."

If it was anyone else, the Nexian successor would have fought back. She had escaped from all sorts of prisons before without a problem, and had scurried away from stronger people as well. Yet now she felt powerless to do anything. This woman had destroyed her entire galactic civilization, the very one that had conceived her, just to save her child; the same child Rash had been about to kill right now. Mikaro Sarashi's vendetta was personal, and if one wrong move was made, all of her wrath would befall the tiny, feeble being that Rash was.

"Nasir." Mika beckoned. "Restrain her. Judal, stay with Yuna. We're getting out of here."

With a huff of acknowledgement, the Fa'sarian prince handed the young woman to his companion, then picked up the straps of Yuna's torn bag and moved in to tie Rash up with them. The girl did not resist. She couldn't. Her days on the run were at an end; fate had finally caught up. There would be no escape anymore... not now that she had learned the one thing she had fought to evade all this time...

A louder bang interrupted the party's movements. It was so loud; in fact, that it broke through part of the ceiling and the opposite wall, sending a shockwave of sheer force that lifted everyone but Mika off their feet and sent them crashing back to the floor. Dust and debris filled the area, creating a cloud that blinded them all. Once the cloud settled down and the party could gather their bearings and see what was going on, they saw...

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