To Erase Our Past - Chapter 2

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"They're separating themselves." Tas reported. "Half of the children's forces is onboard the Void Voyager and is headed towards the desolate Planet V, while the daughter of Mikaro Sarashi has left on her own ship, the Seraph, towards the archive world of Fa'sar. Black Sun Balance's main flagship, the Das Morgenrot, is in pursuit of the girl, but Commander Wokenblade has taken a small detachment with him and is flying after the kids en route to V."

"Really?" The Soldier wondered, scratching his chin. "Interesting moves. Do you have anything on their reasoning? Because it seems like we riled them up after Nexia." He added with glee.

"We're not sure about Yuna..." The mysterious black-haired being in the pod muttered. "But we do know the kids were sent to V on the belief that the next shard is located there."

"Please tell me you have confirmation on that." The alien froze.

"We do. Shard location confirmed on V, in the ruins of the old LeRoy Base."

Lib relaxed, a huge grin on his face. He chuckled softly.

"Marvelous." He whispered under his breath. "You were always more cunning than you looked, Riku, even though you hardly ever showed it. You're still pretty dumb, though; can't give you too much credit. You're just gonna fall in my trap. Again. Some things about demons just don't change, do they?"

"Sir?" Tas interrupted her Captain's monologue. "We await your orders. What is our course of action?"

"Why don't I let you guess, Tas?" The Soldier smirked. "Here's a hint: It's the same thing we did last time."

"I understand." The voice said after a brief pause. "We monitor Eve's activity and jump through time to acquire the shard before they do, but not before we have a few seconds to taunt Commander Wokenblade and the children for their failure."

"I literally could not have asked for a better ship." Lib beamed, giggling, rocking in his seat, almost unable to contain his joy like a small child. "Can I come over and give you a kiss?"

"With all due respect, Captain, I'd rather you didn't." Tas replied, slightly annoyed. "But thank you for your words. Tai and I just do what we must."

"Oh, don't be so humble. You two are perfect, and together, we're all getting this job done on schedule... whatever a schedule means." The alien laughed, assumed at his own jest, and then started turning to his first mate. "Did you hear that, Rash? Everything's gonna-"

There was nobody beside him. The perplexed Muician raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh, Rash? Tas, do you know where she is?"

"Of course I know. She's-"

What started as a statement befitting Lib being made fun of for being Captain Obvious incarnate was suddenly interrupted by a shocked gasp from the speakers, followed by a faraway bird-like squawk and a loud alarm being set off across the entire vessel. Caught off guard, the Soldier jumped in his chair, nearly falling backwards. Regaining his balance and without a second thought, he sped off instantly towards the heart of the T.A.I.T.A.S., where the two girls that kept the ship running were. Being the nimble Muician that he was, it took him just a few seconds to get there, despite having to wind around several hallways and doors. Fortunately, he discovered Tai and Tas were in perfect shape, still suspended in liquid inside their life support pods. Tai remained as she always did; her expression blank and her unfocused eyes half-closed, constantly spectating the interwoven time streams, which meant she was fine. Yet, the alarm was still blaring for some reason. There was still a problem, also evident on Tas's worried face.

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