To Erase Our Past - Chapter 6

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Yuna was taken aback at what she heard. It took her a few seconds to realize who she was talking to, and quickly got into a defensive stance as the energy in her hands got stronger, ready to strike at any moment.

"You're that girl that was hanging behind the Soldier on Nexia. You all came here to try and have another go at blasting me to oblivion, huh? Bring it on, then!"

"Please, wait." Rash replied. "He is not here, nor is the rest of the crew. I followed you on my own agenda."

"Why should I believe that?" Yuna growled.

"You have no reason to, just like any potential Fa'sarian you could have been chasing when you said you wouldn't kill them." The redhead remarked, to which the Luxian frowned, unable to disagree. "I'm just honestly asking you to lower your guard. I only want to parley."

"Nope, still not good enough for me." The mercenary shook her head. "If that's really all you wanna do, come out of the booth so we can see each other face to face."

"I will. But first, I want to ask you something."

"Don't test my patience, Rash..."

"You learned of your true origins on Nexia. You discovered the reason you exist: you were created as a clone of Commander Wokenblade and Mikaro Sarashi to serve as the Nexis Prime's special vanguard in her quest to overthrow the UPC and establish intergalactic dominance. You also found out the secret that Sarashi has kept from you all this time: that she destroyed their world and nearly the entirety of their civilization to save you, her only child, from that terrible fate."

Rash made a pause to gauge her interlocutor's reactions. Yuna hadn't moved at all, and was still ready to enter battle... but there was something about her expression. She was paying attention, waiting for the redhead to continue. Something had clearly been struck, which was good.

"I just wanted to know... how do you feel about that?"

"Excuse me?" The young warrior exclaimed in disbelief. "Why is that relevant to you at all?"

"Because I am the Nexis Prime's legitimate daughter." The girl replied instantly. "I was to inherit her world once I became of age."

"What? How-?"

"I found out about this during a visit to Davaros, the world where the successors of Nexia's government were grown and raised, a while before we encountered you. And... I'm not sure how to deal with it." She added, with sadness in her voice. "I thought maybe you could help me, given how our backgrounds are so intrinsically tied together."

A moment of dreadful silence followed this statement, weighing down on both women, neither of them moving an inch... until Yuna broke the ice with an eerie whisper.

"I don't care."

Before Rash could ask what she meant, the black-haired girl continued, raising her voice.

"I never wanted the past I have. All I ever cared about was knowing the truth, and now I do. I don't think I can ever forgive that woman for lying to me, for abandoning me... but I can't afford to be dragged down by others' misdeeds. Right now, my fate requires me to be useful to my team, and I'm fine with my notion of self to be of less importance as long as we succeed in stopping the Soldier from ending existence."

"So..." the thief girl hesitated. " don't care about Nexia?"

"I couldn't care less about Nexia." Yuna affirmed, still raising her voice. "Why, do you? Are you here to get back at me for that? Are you jealous that the Prime favored her secret weapon instead of her own daughter? Do you think I'm responsible for taking the life you were supposed to have? Because if that's what you think, you're completely wrong. If there's anyone you should be looking to retaliate against, it's Mikaro."

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