Overworld Chapter 2 - Equestrians As Athletes

Start from the beginning

The rito agreed. "Like I said, Gloria, most people in Oakpoint don't have the same kind of money like they did in Glendale. You're too close the capital. We're a farm provence out here in Deku."

Still studying Link, Gloria answered, "Oh, I agree with him. I was wanted him to challenge me."

Tako and Link exchanged a glance, asking "What?" in the same breath.

"We're working with 1,000 lb animals. We need more backbone in this stable, particularly from a young man who is applying to be an instructor," Gloria explained. She nodded at Link. "Intelligent animals need intelligent handlers. And young students need stern teachers. Tako, put together the preparation for the carts. Sayre, walk with me."

Again, the two exchanged a glance before Link followed after Gloria. The woman walked briskly, leading them through the stable to the boarders' stalls. She pointed to Epona. "Saddle up. Work her while we talk."

Link held Epona's nose for a moment, patting the horse gently. She pushed her nose back into his palm, her hot breath hitting his hand. He smiled up at her before walking off to the tack room.

Minutes later, Link had Epona at a canter in the indoor arena. It was nice out, so Link guessed they were here because it would be empty. At least this interview would be private. Still, he didn't know how to feel about Gloria. She seemed to think her visions were obvious, skipping the step where she explained herself. It made her sound aggressive, but so long as things were getting done, was it worth it? Link wasn't entirely sure, considering the argument he had stepped in on between her and Tako. She had claimed it was because she wanted more assertive people in at the center, but Tako was definitely being assertive.

"Why do you want to work here?"

He almost missed the question. Snapping out of his thoughts, Link sat up a little straighter in his saddle. "I love working with horses. And getting to work with people to understand that appreciation seems like it would be a worthwhile career." He tried to laugh, noting Gloria's expressionless face. "I'm here most of the time anyway. It saves me gas."

"I appreciate the more honest answer," Gloria replied, leaning against a jump that had been pulled aside. "Do you think you're qualified?"

Link's smile contorted. "I mean, I would like to believe I am. I've helped with the open houses for enough years as a volunteer that I have a good idea of what I would need to do. And since province, I feel I had quantifiable proof I'm a good rider."

"It sounds to me, Sayre, that you have confidence issues," Gloria stated. "Instructors need to give definitive instructions."

"You wanted my honest answers," Link said, turning Epona as he slowed her to a trot. "I'm sorry if it makes me look uncertain, ma'am, but that's the best I can do. I'm sure once I had actually worked as an instructor, I might feel more confident that I knew what I was doing."

"Fair enough."

Silence hung in arena for a several minutes as Link continued work Epona. The mare continued without protest, fortunately. Link wasn't sure what he would do if she chose to show he more spirited side right now.

"You're in college, correct?" Gloria finally inquired.

"Yeah, at OSC. Undeclared, if that matters." Link winced a little. Not having a major always mattered.

"Surprised a senior doesn't have a major. How are you managing that?"

"I'm not a senior," Link explained. "This is only my second year. I can't afford to go every year. I take a year off to save for tuition, and then come back."

"Non-traditional student, I see." Gloria's fingers drummed against the jump. Link wondered what the woman was thinking, concluding that she would say no because of his education status. "If you could afford to go every semester, would you?"

"Most likely. I would like to graduate," Link replied, stopping Epona for a moment. "But it would depend on if that affected my job or not."

Gloria met Link's eyes, still without any kind of emotion showing. "Sayre, the kind of instructor we're looking for here would work with children and teenagers. The lessons would only be in the afternoon or on the weekends. Is that doable with your course load?"

"For this semester, yes."

"Then as long as it remains doable with your course load, I don't care how quickly you graduate." Gloria walked away from the arena. "Let her out. I'll have Uma finish working her while we start the paperwork."

Dropping out of the saddle, Link watched Gloria walked away. "What, you mean I got the job?"

"Not technically, I need you to sign some things for me. Not hurry up. I have a stable to run." The doors swung shut behind Gloria as she left arena, letting a heavy thud resonate through the room.

Link wrapped his arms around Epona's neck as best he could. "We did it!"

Epona tossed her head, forcing Link to let go. He laughed, taking a step back, "Alright, alright. Let's get you outside."

A half hour later, Link was situating himself in a small office he was going to share with Tako. Gloria set a binder down on Link's desk with all the students he would be working with and a few beginner lesson plans before leaving for her office across the hall.

Link flipped through the binder, only remembering about twenty minutes later that he ought to let people know. He messaged his mom, letting her know he would be home late because he was working and he would get dinner while he was out. Leaving out the fact that dinner would be with Dwarf. He doubted his parents would mind.

Then, he texted Dwarf, mentioning that he was working, but that he could finish up at home. He was planning on that anyway. His first lessons would be the beginning of next week. He had about four days to figure out how he was going to teach these kids.

Thanking Uma and saying goodbye to Epona, Link left the stable for the day. He would be back in the morning to take care of Epona. Hopefully he would get a chance to grill Tako about recommendations. The rito was the center's other instructor, and several years Link's senior at this.

New job daunting ahead of him, Link pulled out of the parking lot...

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