Emily nodded. That was a good point. The Vault was one of the most secure places in the world. And it wasn't like it could be found on Google Maps or anything. The only way someone could have found its coordinates is if they had access to them.

Her blood turned to ice within her veins.

A mole.

Surely that was the answer. How else would those Primes have found the prison? Someone was passing them information. That had to be it.

Her eyes narrowed, she studied the faces of everyone in the room. No one looked guilty. But, then again, who did?

"How they found The Vault isn't of great importance at the moment," Director Shaw said. "Why they have broken into it is. If they were willing to risk their freedom to rescue an ex-terrorist, then they may pose a larger threat than we thought. They must be dealt with quickly."

A few of the senior agents spoke up, suggesting what course of action to take. Chase and Stella chipped in with a few ideas of their own, but everyone else stayed quiet for the most part. There wasn't too much to say, as they still had no idea what really was going on.

As Emily stared at the shadowy raven on the television screen, she felt the gears in her head crunching as they began to spin. The attack on The Vault and the protest on the PRA in Times Square couldn't have been coincidences. They were too close together. Too related.

These rogue Primes had a plan. They were crafty, slick, and had information. They were dangerous.

She began to wonder if they'd be able to stop them before it was too late.

"When I talked to one of the Primes back in New York," Chase began, "he told me they were fighting against the PRA. He said they were trying to finish what Kismet started. Maybe that's why they broke Frost out of jail."

Beside him, Stella nodded. "Maybe they're planning another attack. An attack that will stop the PRA from progressing."

Emily's eyes widened. She could practically feel the air leave the room. Realization slowly surfaced on everyone's face. Swallowing hard, she turned to Director Shaw, who was staring down at his hands.

"Senator Crane's rally," she whispered, almost to herself. "They're attacking the rally."

"I think you're right." Director Shaw pinched the bridge of his nose. "How did I not see this coming?"

The rally was just in two days' time. Senator Crane, who was knee-deep in his campaign for president of the United States, was slated to speak at a convention in the suburbs of New York. If an attempt on his life was in the wings, there was no doubt that that was where it would happen.

Emily gripped her seat's armrest. "We have to stop them."

Director Shaw nodded. "I'll consult with my senior agents regarding teams. We'll get word to Crane's camp and see how we can further secure his rally." He looked around at everyone. "I know how some of us may feel about the senator, but it is in all of our interests to make sure he lives. If he becomes a martyr, the PRA is almost guaranteed to go through."

They all nodded.

While Emily didn't like—or trust—Senator Crane, she knew that his death would send ripples across the world. The public would have even more reason to hate Primes.

She thought back to that reporter from the museum. Her mouth twitched as his words echoed in her head.

"You're living weapons. Ticking time bombs. And, sooner or later, one of you is going to explode."

Hidden Enemies | The Prime Archives #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now