photogenic ♛ c. creevey

274 8 45

title: photogenic
status: sold to loonyluna1234
era: golden

in which a slytherin girl
becomes the subject of many photos
taken by a gryffindor boy with
an odd love for the camera

"Why do you like taking pictures of me?"

"I like to take pictures of pretty things,"

"Woah, let me stop you right there. I am probably the last person you could call pretty,"

"You are to me,"

if you think colin is underrated, clap your hand! 👏🏼👏🏼

- the oc (I don't care what you name them) definitely has some self esteem issues
- oc is on the slytheirn quidditch team (position is either keeper, chaser, or beater)
- she used to be a pure-blood supremacist but once she got to Hogwarts, she realized how toxic the ideals are around her second year
- no, colin doesn't stalk her, i like thinking that that they become friends and that's when he starts taking pictures of her, bc if they didn't even know each other and he is just secretly taking pictures of her it would bE CREEPY AF

thomas brodie sangster as colin creevey

castthomas brodie sangster as colin creevey

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sydney park as oc

sydney park as oc

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PARCHMENT ▹ PLOT SHOPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora