153 - Gilinsky and Kylie

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Jack👪 - Kylie. I know it's my baby. Please. I want to be with you and have a beautiful baby. This is serious thing. Don't be childish...

Kylie😔 - I'm not childish. Yes, it is your baby, but I don't care. I wanna be great mother and I don't want a bad dad for my little bean. You treated me like shit. You did bad things and I don't believe you can change. I'll tell to baby who her father is, but that's all. I'll not risk to hurt her. She's and will be my everything. Sorry Jack, but you did to yourself.

Jack👪 - I know it. I fucking know it, but I want to change. For you. For the baby. For our life. For our life TOGETHER. I love you and I love the baby. Please Kylie.

Kylie😔 - You'll probably hate me for this, but no. Bye Jack.

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