56 - Gilinsky and Kylie

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Messages between Gilinsky and Kylie

Gilinsky😏💔: Can you talk?

Kylie👅❤️: I can. Do I want to? No.

Gilinsky😏💔: Please. I just want to know how you feel.

Kylie👅❤️: I miss our late night conversations. I miss talking about all the things we said we were going to do together. I miss seeing your name pop up on my phone screen. How you think I feel?

Gilinsky😏💔: Bad. But I don't know what to do. I choosed Mads and I will not change it.

Kylie👅❤️: I understand. She's prettier. She's funnier. She's skinnier. Don't worry. I wouldn't choose me either.

Gilinsky😏💔: Stop talking like that. You're pretty. You're funny and your body id perfect.

Kylie👅❤️: But you choose her. That's important. But it's okey. How I said, I understand.

Gilinsky😏❤️: Kylie...
Message wasn't deliver.

Q: Kylie or Kendall?
A: Uhm, it's 50/50, bcs I love Kendall and I love Kyl💜

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