37 - Johnson and Kylie

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Messages between Johnson and Kylie

Johnson🔥🤘: What's going on?

Kylie👑😇: He is back with her. She's not my best friend anymore. She stopped talk to me and she said I tried to steal "her" man. And I just don't want her with him.

Johnson🔥🤘: So I guess you have some feelings for him?

Kylie👑😇: Yeah😏

Johnson🔥🤘: I'm so sorry K😕 But you must go with us❤️

Kylie👑😇: I really don't know J😏

Johnson🔥🤘: I promise it will be fun and you will be with us❤️don't worry😘

Kylie 👑😇: Ok, thanks J💖

Johnson🔥🤘: Always boo💖

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