126 - Kylie and Kendall

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Kenny🌹💙: So what happened?

Kyls💋❤️: With?

Kenny🌹💙: You and Jack!

Kyls💋❤️: It's a long story..

Kenny🌹💙: So go on.

Kyls💋❤️: Okey. So you know that he went on tour. And he was like "I'll text you and call, bcse I really love you" and he didn't text or call me. Then J called me if Jack is still with me and I said yes, bcs we were together. J said that Gilinsky just kissed another girl. Then after one day I called to G and I asked why he kissed another girl and he was like "I wasn't sober so it's mot my fault" and that was enough for me.

Kenny🌹💙: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Kylie.

Kyls💋❤️: It's fine maybe we're not meant to be "something"

Kenny🌹💙: And what if you'll surprise on tour and you'll talk about it?

Kyls💋❤️: Yeah that can be good.

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