"Derek, don't, I'm really not in the mood." Stiles snapped.

"Stiles, you know I'm very selective of who I trust. I'm not going to just pick some random emmisary. Look how long it took me to trust you and Scott." Derek sighed trying to reason with him.

"Yeah, well you weren't the easiest one to trust either." Stiles huffed.

"But now look at us. We've come such a long way." Derek hoped he was getting through to Stiles.

"No, I've come such a long way. I went from useless human to Frankenstein's druid. You're still the same brooding werewolf asshole." Stiles quipped.

"I meant look how far we've come together. We know each other. We are there for one another. We trust each other. We-"

"Just stop, Derek. I already told you the answer is no." Stiles snapped. Why couldn't Derek just let it go.

Derek frowned slightly at the new scent Stiles was giving off. What was it? Derek couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"What do I have to do to convince you?" Derek asked.

"You can't." Stiles shook his head.

"What if I told you... I really cared about you?" Derek asked cautiously.

"Fuck off Derek." Stiles growled before stomping off down the sidewalk.

"Stiles, wait." Derek jogged to catch up to Stiles, gently stopping him by his arm.

"Damn it, Derek, please just leave me alone. What do I have to do or say to get you to stop?" Stiles whirled around his face red with anger.

Derek swallowed hard knowing he wasn't going to like Stiles' response. "Would it make you happy if you never saw me again?" Derek asked.

"What?" Stiles huffed confused by Derek's question.

"I need you to be totally honest with me right now. " Derek spoke in a tone that let Stiles know he was serious.

"Would it make you happy if you never saw me again?" Derek repeated the question.

Stiles looked like he was thinking about his answer before letting out a sigh. "I don't know if happy is necessarily the word I'd use but-"

"Is that what you want?" Derek snapped losing his patience.

"Yeah, it kind of is." Stiles shrugged dropping his eyes from Derek's intense green ones.

Derek felt like his chest was being crushed. A lump formed in his throat and he felt tears sting the back of his eyes.

"Okay." Derek said simply.

"Okay?" Stiles frowned.

"Okay." Derek repeated with a slight nod.

"At least let me take you home." Derek said walking back to his car.

Stiles stood motionless trying to process what just happened.

"Stiles, get in the damn car." Derek snapped extra harshly.

Stiles flinched at Derek's tone before walking over and climbing into the camero. 

They were about half way to Stiles' house when Stiles finally spoke up.

"Derek, I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't." Derek interrupted harshly.


"Stiles, for once in your life, please stop talking." Derek growled. It was all he could do to keep it together. He had officially been rejected by a pack member. And not just any pack member but Stiles. Derek didn't know how he was going to get through this after all Stiles was his anchor too.

Derek pulled into Stiles' driveway not even bothering to put the car in park.

"Derek, can we talk about this please?" Stiles sighed.

"There's nothing to talk about. You made it very clear where you stood." Derek growled looking straight ahead.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Get out." Derek interrupted.

"I know you're pissed but-"

"Stiles!" Derek yelled causing Stiles to jump.

"Just. Go." Derek's eyes flashed for a brief second.

Stiles knew that meant Derek was losing his temper and fast. Without another word Stiles stepped out of the car.

Derek was out of the driveway before Stiles made it to the door

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Derek was out of the driveway before Stiles made it to the door.

Derek gripped the steering wheel trying to force back tears as he drove. He was not the type to cry but he felt the overwhelming pain of it all crushing down on him.

Derek grabbed his phone as it lit up with a text from Stiles.

"I'm sorry." Was all it read. That was enough to send Derek over the edge. He pulled the car over onto a dirt path before throwing it in park. He leaned over his steering wheel as a single tear slid down his cheek. It hurt worse than losing Erica or Boyd. It hurt like losing Laura again. It hurt like being alone. Derek hated himself for feeling anything towards Stiles and now he'd lost him.

Poor Derek. Hope you liked it.

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