Chapter Forty-two - Scarlett

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Alina looks at Terrance as there is a hum of the council people talking among themselves.

"I work for a television station." one man down the end stands. "I will do the interview, the editing, all of it myself, make it a positive interview."


Terrance huffs as he continues to wear a path into the highly polished floor. As they set about discussing the questions and the answers Alina and Miranda gesture for me to follow them out of the ball room.

I follow them across the foyer to the dining room where Miranda closes the doors behind us.

"Are you concerned of the affect this may have on your career?" Alina asks.

"What career?" I huff. "It was as good as dead the night that Lucas took me."

Miranda sits at the corner of the table gesturing for me to sit on the other side. Out of nowhere she pulls those cards out and passes them to me.

"Off you go." she winks.

I begin to shuffle the cards and the three jump from the pack, the same as last time. Miranda turns the first card over, the second card that had jumped in the last reading, Lucas and I, the dead slayer leader at our feet. Miranda purses her lips together with a happy smile. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and turns the next card over and then sighs with relief when she cracks an eye at it. Ok, so it's all good. She flips the final card and it's the same final card as the last reading, Lucas and I with six children.

"Ok." she says as she pushes the second card forward. "We already know the meaning of one and three so we will move straight to number two."

I look down at the card, it's me with a floral wreath on my head, long white robe with the gold robe tied around my waist, my hands held wide open palms with two little red dots on my wrist. Below my feet are lots of little circles, the colours varying from a pale pink to browns.

"Right." she sighs. "Again, you. Open arms indicate you will open yourself to the world, bare your soul with the intention of helping our world. By the looks of the mark on your wrist..." she squints. "I don't know, maybe you bite someone to show them what would happen."

She shrugs at me. Something I have learned about Miranda, she may pretend she doesn't know what the cards mean but the reality is that she does know - I have to bite someone.

"The circles, that would be the humans, I would say you are going to perform my dear." she smirks.

The doors swing open, Terrance and Lucas stand at the door. Terrance groans as his body sags.

"What now?"

She gestures to the card, her face plain but a slight hint of amusement. Terrance wanders over and looks at the card.

"She is going to perform?"

"What?" Lucas hisses.

I snap my head to him and scowl. "Do you have a problem with me performing?"

"You're pregnant!"

"So? It doesn't make me incapable of doing things."

"I won't allow it." his eyes darken at me.

"You don't get a choice." I pick up the card. "It's in the fucking cards Lucas." I toss it back to the table as I feel the anger welling in me, my eyes tingle. This must be the pupils dilating, turning my eyes black.

"You don't rule my life." I snap at him.

I storm past him and out of the room. Before I know it I find myself outside and at the garage. My baby shines with the polish that has been slicked across her. I grab the keys and in seconds I'm in the car and moving fast to the gates of the forest. As the gates open, the darkness of the forest entices me in, the tears trickle out as my mind struggles to cope with a controlling husband. A set of red eyes appear beside the window as one of the creature's bunts at the car.


I rub my belly. Their hearts must be beating. One of them appears in front of the car as I slam on the brakes. I recognise it as the one from the field that day, a scar under his eye his giveaway. He stands in front of my car and breathes out as the others circle the car. The one in front lets out an almighty roar, bellowing from one side of the car to the other. The other creatures scatter instantly, leaving me with the one creature in front of me. I try to calm my breathing down, not sure what this creature's intention is. He leans down and gently bunts the front of the car with his snout, moving the car backwards a little. Is he telling you to leave? I quickly flick the gear stick into reverse and move the car backwards. The creature follows me all the way until I get to the other side of the gates. He stops on the driveway, watching as the gates shut, him on one side, me on the other. As I gasp for air, nearly hyperventilating as I watch as he turns and disappears into the darkness of the forest. Holy shit, he just saved you. Instantly I burst into tears, completely freaked out. The door opens and I find myself in Lucas's arms as he holds me without saying anything.


Lucas rests his ear on my stomach, ever hopeful that he will hear something. Nothing was said about the mini fight nor me taking off and nearly getting myself killed. The morning light creeps into the room, the days are getting colder now. Lucas pulls the blanket back over our naked bodies as he snuggles in behind me.

"I heard it."

"You did not."

"I did too."

He flicks back the sheet and puts his head on my stomach again, instantly I feel the cold. Lucas gets one very happy face as he looks up at me from my large belly.

"There it is again; I can hear both of them."

I roll my eyes. "How is that even possible?"

"Uh vampire Scarlett, amazingly powerful hearing."

"Am I going to be trapped here until they are born?"

"Yeah, probably. Dad sealed the secret entrance."

Sadness washes through me, the reality that I am still stuck in this place consumes me. At least you got a few times out of the place my mind tries to be sympathetic, but fails.

"How are we going to get the children out of the place?"

I can feel him shrug as I look up, trying to control the anger that is swelling, I sit up and look at him.

"I will not raise children trapped in this place." I snap at him. "You find a way for me and them to get out of this place."

Getting out of the bed, I stalk to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. That felt very satisfying.

Ten minutes later, I exit the bathroom, feeling a lot calmer now that I have showered. Lucas is dressed and waits for me on the lounge.

"The secret entrance has been reopened."

He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggle into his neck.

"Stubborn and defiant." he says as he kisses my forehead.

"Bossy and perverted." I return.

I can feel his grin on my forehead.


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