"I'm dreaming myself away, thinking how nice it would be to dip into a pool with you right now," Somewhere behind the sadness of his voice, he actually laughed. Created a whole new atmosphere in here which I appreciated, a lighter weighted one. We were both so caught up with the fact that we weren't going to make it out that I had barely been able to notice the sadness lingering in the air.

I appreciated his humour in a time like this.

"With me?" I asked, a happy tone shining through in my voice.

He nodded instantly, "Of course with you."

My heart skipped a beat and I had a hard time to understand what was physically going on in my body at this moment. The ways Justin could make me feel was on another type of level and I could not remember feeling this way with my Benjamin. How was it possible to feel something stronger for a person you've only known for a few days than a person you were together with for years and years?

It surprised me to say the least, the way I was feeling around him. For a few days ago, I hated him. So much. It's funny thinking back, thinking of the way I truly thought he had been ignoring me when in reality, it was all my fault. I should have been smarter, should have checked the digits an extra time. Who knows? Maybe we wouldn't have been in this situation if I would've done it correctly. 

It was beginning to get really hot right now so the thought of swimming in a cold pool right now was actually not that far from being appealing. I wasn't the biggest fan of getting wet but when it came to spending time with Justin, I rarely cared about what we were doing. He was beginning to get such a hook on me and I was terrified to let that show.

I trusted him with my heart, strangely, but I still had scars from previous relationships and trusting someone fully out was going to take a while. I couldn't wrap my finger around the fact that Justin was so confident in himself when it came to love, it's like he had already shown me that he knows how to do this yet we've only known each other for a few days.

It wasn't until now that I was beginning to realise that science could be right, you can fall in love with someone in such a short amount of times. It was like love at first sight and I had never believed such a thing before, this was a whole new level of soulmate love to me.

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling a shot of nervousness wash over me as I began to collect my thoughts again. I was trying to pull myself together for the sake of it, for him. No part of me wanted to show me vulnerable or terrified, I wanted him to know that we could be on the same page if we both wanted to. We were heading down the same road, together, "That I called you an asshole and believed you were a dick for three days straight."

"You've already apologised for that," Justin chuckled, lightheartedly, "But I appreciate that, thank you."

"I just feel like I should have known something was up," I turned my head to him again, only to have a firm gaze staring back at me. He took a piece of my hair that was hanging in the way of my face and gently placed it behind my ear as he showed interest in what I was about to say, "I shouldn't have been so quick to make assumptions, I think it was the whole celebrity package that scared me and made me think that way. You know, I've always seen celebrities as a little cocky and not so careful when it comes to breaking girl's hearts."

Justin nodded immediately and I was intimidated by the way he was so present in our conversation, he was almost too interested and showed too much affection for me to even try and focus, "I get that. We have created a look of that in the media, people read about how we celebrities, and I can say especially my past self, call in twenty girls to some stripper club and then pick one of them to take home."

48 Hours | JBजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें